All publications

1-30 elements, in total: 44
Takacs VT; Szonyi A; Freund TF; Nyiri G** ✉; Gulyas AI  (2015) Quantitative ultrastructural analysis of basket and axo-axonic cell terminals in the mouse hippocampus. BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 220: pp 919-940
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Popovic Marko A; Carnevale Nicholas; Rozsa Balazs; Zecevic Dejan  (2015) Electrical behaviour of dendritic spines as revealed by voltage imaging NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 6: Paper 8436. 12 p.
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Aliczki M; Haller J ✉; Campolongo Patrizia; Fattore Liana  (2015) Interactions between cannabinoid signaling and anxiety: A comparative analysis of intervention tools and behavioral effects : pp 73-96
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Mátyus, Péter; Huleatt, Paul; Chai, Christina Li Lin; Sperlágh, Beáta; Khoo, Mui Ling; Magyar, Kálmán; Papp-Behr, Ágnes; Deme, Ruth; Túrós, György; Gyires, Klára  (2015) New arylalkenylpropargylamine derivatives exhibiting neuroprotective action for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
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Dudok B; Barna L*; Ledri M*; Szabo SI; Szabadits E; Pinter B; Woodhams SG; Henstridge CM; Balla GY; Nyilas R; Varga C; Lee SH; Matolcsi M; Cervenak J; Kacskovics I; Watanabe M; Sagheddu C; Melis M; Pistis M; Soltesz I; Katona I ✉  (2015) Cell-specific STORM super-resolution imaging reveals nanoscale organization of cannabinoid signaling. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 18: pp 75-86
Huleatt, P B; Khoo, M L; Chua, Y Y; Tan, T W; Liew, R S; Balogh, B; Deme, R; Goloncser, F; Magyar, K; Sheela, D P; Ho, H K; Sperlagh, B; Matyus, P; Chai, C L L  (2015) Novel arylalkenylpropargylamines as neuroprotective, potent, and selective monoamine oxidase B inhibitors for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 1520-4804 58: 1400-1419
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Nagy, Tamás; Kovács, Krisztina J.; Polyák, Ágnes; Harmat, László; Bárdos, György; Fülöp, Márta  (2015) A versengés jutalmazásának hatása a nyáltesztoszteron-szintre és a teljesítményre fiatal felnőtt férfiakban: a hiperversengés szerepe MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE 1588-2799 70: 121-141
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István Katona; Roger G Pertwee  (2015) Cannabis and Endocannabinoid Signaling in Epilepsy : pp 285-316
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Holderith, N; Lorincz, A; Katona, G; Rózsa, B; Kulik, A; Watanabe, M; Nusser, Z  (2015) Erratum : Release probability of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals scales with the size of the active zone (Nature Neuroscience (2012) 15 (988-997)) NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1546-1726 19: 172
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Vastagh C; Schwirtlich M; Kwakowsky A; Erdelyi F; Margolis FL; Yanagawa Y; Katarova Z; Szabo G ✉  (2015) The spatio-temporal segregation of GAD forms defines distinct GABA signaling functions in the developing mouse olfactory system and provides novel insights into the origin and migration of GnRH neurons. DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY 1932-8451 1932-846X 75: pp 249-270
Aliczki M; Varga ZK; Balogh Z; Haller J  (2015) Involvement of 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling in social challenge responding of male CD1 mice PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 232: pp 2157-2167
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Wittmann G ✉; Szabon J; Mohacsik P; Nouriel SS; Gereben B; Fekete C; Lechan RM  (2015) Parallel regulation of thyroid hormone transporters OATP1c1 and MCT8 during and after endotoxemia at the blood-brain barrier of male rodents. ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 156: pp 1552-1564
McAninch EA; Jo S; Preite NZ; Farkas E; Mohacsik P; Fekete C; Egri P; Gereben B; Li Y; Deng Y; Elizabeth Patti M; Zevenbergen C; Peeters RP; Mash DC; Bianco AC ✉  (2015) Prevalent Polymorphism in Thyroid Hormone-Activating Enzyme Leaves a Genetic Fingerprint that Underlies Associated Clinical Syndromes. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 0021-972X 1945-7197 100: pp 920-933
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Skrapits K; Borsay BA; Herczeg L; Ciofi P; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2015) Neuropeptide co-expression in hypothalamic kisspeptin neurons of laboratory animals and the human. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 1662-4548 1662-453X 9: Paper 29.
Denes A ✉; Coutts G; Lenart N; Cruickshank SM; Pelegrin P; Skinner J; Rothwell N; Allan SM; Brough D  (2015) AIM2 and NLRC4 inflammasomes contribute with ASC to acute brain injury independently of NLRP3. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 112: pp 4050-4055
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Bywalez WG; Patirniche D; Rupprecht V; Stemmler M; Herz AV; Palfi D; Rozsa B; Egger V  (2015) Local postsynaptic voltage-gated sodium channel activation in dendritic spines of olfactory bulb granule cells. NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 85: pp 590-601
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Bouhadfane M; Kaszas A; Rozsa B; Harris-Warrick RM; Vinay L; Brocard F  (2015) Sensitization of neonatal rat lumbar motoneuron by the inflammatory pain mediator bradykinin. ELIFE 2050-084X 4: Paper e06195. 51 p.
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Neuhofer D; Henstridge CM*; Dudok B; Sepers M; Lassalle O; Katona I ✉; Manzoni OJ ✉  (2015) Functional and structural deficits at accumbens synapses in a mouse model of Fragile X. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5102 1662-5102 9: Paper 100. 15 p.
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Tulogdi A; Biro L; Barsvari B; Stankovic M; Haller J ✉; Toth M  (2015) Neural mechanisms of predatory aggression in rats-implications for abnormal intraspecific aggression BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 283: pp 108-115
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Vasanits-Zsigrai A ✉; Majercsik O; Tóth G; Csámpai A; Haveland-Lukács C; Pálfi D; Szadai Z; Rózsa B; Molnár-Perl I  (2015) Quantitation of various indolinyl caged glutamates as their o-phthalaldehyde derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem spectroscopic detections: Derivatization, stoichiometry and stability studies JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 0021-9673 1873-3778 1394: pp 81-88
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Sarvari M; Kallo I; Hrabovszky E; Solymosi N; Rodolosse A; Vastagh C; Auer H; Liposits Z ✉  (2015) Hippocampal Gene Expression Is Highly Responsive to Estradiol Replacement in Middle-Aged Female Rats. ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 156: pp 2632-2645 Paper 2888389.
Vastagh C ✉; Rodolosse A; Solymosi N; Farkas I; Auer H; Sarvari M; Liposits Z  (2015) Differential Gene Expression in Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons of Male and Metestrous Female Mice. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0028-3835 1423-0194 102: pp 44-59
Lenkey N; Kirizs T; Holderith N; Mate Z; Szabo G; Vizi ES; Hajos N; Nusser Z ✉  (2015) Tonic endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of GABA release is independent of the CB1 content of axon terminals NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 6: Paper 6557. 15 p.
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Giber K; Diana MA; M Plattner V; Dugue GP; Bokor H; Rousseau CV; Magloczky Z; Havas L; Hangya B; Wildner H; Zeilhofer HU; Dieudonne S; Acsady L ✉  (2015) A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 18: pp 562-568
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Walter FR; Veszelka S; Pásztói M; Péterfi ZA; Tóth A; Rákhely G; Cervenak L; Ábrahám CS; Deli MA ✉  (2015) Tesmilifene modifies brain endothelial functions and opens the blood-brain/blood-glioma barrier JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 0022-3042 1471-4159 134: pp 1040-1054
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Jansen SW; Akintola AA; Roelfsema F; van der Spoel E; Cobbaert CM; Ballieux BE; Egri P; Kvarta-Papp Z; Gereben B; Fekete C; Slagboom PE; van der Grond J; Demeneix BA; Pijl H; Westendorp RG; van Heemst D  (2015) Human longevity is characterised by high thyroid stimulating hormone secretion without altered energy metabolism SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 5: Paper 11525. 11 p.
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Werneck de Castro JP; Fonseca TL; Ueta CB; McAninch EA; Abdalla S; Wittmann G; Lechan RM; Gereben B; Bianco AC ✉  (2015) Differences in hypothalamic type 2 deiodinase ubiquitination explain localized sensitivity to thyroxine. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 0021-9738 1558-8238 125: pp 769-781
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Lee SH; Ledri M*; Toth B*; Marchionni I; Henstridge CM; Dudok B; Kenesei K; Barna L; Szabo SI; Renkecz T; Oberoi M; Watanabe M; Limoli CL; Horvai G; Soltesz I; Katona I ✉  (2015) Multiple Forms of Endocannabinoid and Endovanilloid Signaling Regulate the Tonic Control of GABA Release. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 35: pp 10039-10057
Kriszt R; Winkler Z; Polyak A; Kuti D; Molnar C; Hrabovszky E; Kallo I; Szoke Z; Ferenczi S; Kovacs KJ ✉  (2015) Xenoestrogens Ethinyl Estradiol and Zearalenone Cause Precocious Puberty in Female Rats via Central Kisspeptin Signaling ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 156: pp 3996-4007
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Skrapits K; Kanti V; Savanyu Z; Maurnyi C; Szenci O; Horvath A; Borsay BA; Herczeg L; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2015) Lateral hypothalamic orexin and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons provide direct input to gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the human FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5102 1662-5102 9: Paper 348.
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