All publications

1-30 elements, in total: 57
Leidmaa Este; Gazea Mary; Patchev Alexandre V; Pissioti Anna; Gassen Nils Christian; Kimura Mayumi; Liposits Zsolt; Kallo Imre; Almeida Osborne F X ✉  (2020) Blunted leptin sensitivity during hedonic overeating can be reinstated by activating galanin 2 receptors (Gal2R) in the lateral hypothalamus. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 1748-1708 1748-1716 228: Paper e13345.
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Lakatos, M; Baranyi, M; Erőss, L; Nardai, S; Török, T L; Sperlágh, B; Vizi, E S  (2020) Roles Played by the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger and Hypothermia in the Prevention of Ischemia-Induced Carrier-Mediated Efflux of Catecholamines into the Extracellular Space: Implications for Stroke Therapy NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH 1573-6903 45: 16-33
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Makra Ákos; Bost Wolfgang; Kalló Imre; Horváth András; Fournelle Marc; Gyöngy Miklós  (2020) Enhancement of Acoustic Microscopy Lateral Resolution: A Comparison Between Deep Learning and Two Deconvolution Methods IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL 0885-3010 1525-8955 67: pp 136-145
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László Zsófia I; Bercsényi Kinga*; Mayer Mátyás; Lefkovics Kornél; Szabó Gábor; Katona István; Lele Zsolt ✉  (2020) N-cadherin (Cdh2) Maintains Migration and Postmitotic Survival of Cortical Interneuron Precursors in a Cell-Type-Specific Manner CEREBRAL CORTEX 1047-3211 1460-2199 30: pp 1318-1329
Kuti, Dániel; Winkler, Zsuzsanna; Horváth, Krisztina; Juhász, Balázs; Paholcsek, Melinda; Stágel, Anikó; Gulyás, Gabriella; Czeglédi, Levente; Ferenczi, Szilamér; Kovács, Krisztina J.  (2020) Gastrointestinal (Non-systemic) Antibiotic Rifaximin Differentially Affects Chronic Stress-induced Changes in Colon Microbiome and Gut Permeability without Effect on Behavior BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 1090-2139 84: 218-228
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Diaz-Aparicio, Irune; Paris, Iñaki; Sierra-Torre, Virginia; Plaza-Zabala, Ainhoa; Rodríguez-Iglesias, Noelia; Márquez-Ropero, Mar; Beccari, Sol; Huguet, Paloma; Abiega, Oihane; Alberdi, Elena; Matute, Carlos; Bernales, Irantzu; Schulz, Angela; Otrokocsi, Lilla; Sperlagh, Beata; Happonen, Kaisa E; Lemke, Greg; Maletic-Savatic, Mirjana; Valero, Jorge; Sierra, Amanda  (2020) Microglia actively remodel adult hippocampal neurogenesis through the phagocytosis secretome. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 40: 1453-1482
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Tod, P.; Róka, B.; Kaucsár, T.; Szatmári, K.; Szénási, G.; Hamar, P.  (2020) Time-Dependent miRNA Profile in the Mouse Kidney during LPS Preconditioning
Ternák, Gábor; Kuti, Dániel; Kovács, Krisztina J.  (2020) Dysbiosis in Parkinson’s Disease might be Triggered by Certain Antibiotics MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 1532-2777 137:
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Katona István ✉  (2020) A Molecular Collapse and the Mental “Falling Down” NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 105: pp 956-958
Takács, István; Szekeres, András; Takács, Ákos; Rakk, Dávid; Mézes, Miklós; Polyák, Ágnes; Lakatos, Lóránt; Gyémánt, Gyöngyi; Csupor, Dezső; Kovács, Krisztina J.; Ferenczi, Szilamér  (2020) Wild Strawberry, Blackberry, and Blueberry Leaf Extracts Alleviate Starch-Induced Hyperglycemia in Prediabetic and Diabetic Mice PLANTA MEDICA: NATURAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICINAL PLANT RESEARCH 1439-0221 86: 790-799
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Tod, Pál; Bukosza, Eva Nora; Róka, Beáta; Kaucsár, Tamás; Fintha, Attila; Krenács, Tibor; Szénási, Gábor; Hamar, Péter  (2020) Post-Ischemic Renal Fibrosis Progression Is Halted by Delayed Contralateral Nephrectomy : The Involvement of Macrophage Activation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21:
Tod, Pál; Róka, Beáta; Kaucsár, Tamás; Szatmári, Krisztina; Vizovišek, Matej; Vidmar, Robert; Fonovič, Marko; Szénási, Gábor; Hamar, Péter  (2020) Time-Dependent miRNA Profile during Septic Acute Kidney Injury in Mice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21:
Holderith, Noemi; Heredi, Judit; Kis, Viktor; Nusser, Zoltan  (2020) A High-Resolution Method for Quantitative Molecular Analysis of Functionally Characterized Individual Synapses CELL REPORTS 32:
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Varga Dániel P; Menyhárt Ákos; Pósfai Balázs; Császár Eszter; Lénárt Nikolett; Cserép Csaba; Orsolits Barbara; Martinecz Bernadett; Szlepák Tamás; Bari Ferenc; Farkas Eszter** ✉; Dénes Ádám ✉  (2020) Microglia alter the threshold of spreading depolarization and related potassium uptake in the mouse brain JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM 0271-678X 1559-7016 40: pp S67-S80
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Farkas Erzsébet; Varga Edina*; Kovács Balázs*; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett*; Cote-Vélez Antonieta; Péterfi Zoltán; Matziari Magdalini; Tóth Mónika; Zelena Dóra; Mezriczky Zsolt; Kádár Andrea; Kővári Dóra; Watanabe Masahiko; Kano Masanobu; Mackie Ken; Rózsa Balázs; Ruska Yvette; Tóth Blanka; Máté Zoltán; Erdélyi Ferenc; Szabó Gábor; Gereben Balázs; Lechan Ronald M.; Charli Jean-Louis; Joseph-Bravo Patricia; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2020) A glial-neuronal circuit in the median eminence regulates thyrotropin-releasing hormone-release via the endocannabinoid system. ISCIENCE 2589-0042 23: Paper 100921. 41 p.
Zátonyi A; Madarász M; Szabó Á; Lőrincz T; Hodován R; Rózsa B; Fekete Z ✉  (2020) Transparent, low-autofluorescence microECoG device for simultaneous Ca 2+ imaging and cortical electrophysiology in vivo JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 1741-2560 1741-2552 17: Paper 016062. 17 p.
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Sperlágh, Beáta; Vizi, E Szilveszter; Tímár, Júlia; Kiss, János; Zelles, Tibor  (2020) Bevezetés a pszichotrop szerek farmakológiája 363-374
Ferenczi, Szilamér; Kuti, Dániel; Cserháti, Mátyás; Krifaton, Csilla; Szoboszlay, Sándor; Kukolya, József; Szőke, Zsuzsanna; Albert, Mihály; Kriszt, Balázs; Kovács, Krisztina J.; Mézes, Miklós; Balogh, Krisztián  (2020) Effects of Single and Repeated Oral Doses of Ochratoxin A on the Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Defense Systems in Mouse Kidneys TOXINS 12:
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Calovi, S.; Mut-Arbona, P.; Tod, P.; Iring, A.; Nicke, A.; Mato, S.; Vizi, E.S.; Tønnesen, J.; Sperlagh, B.  (2020) P2X7 Receptor-Dependent Layer-Specific Changes in Neuron-Microglia Reactivity in the Prefrontal Cortex of a Phencyclidine Induced Mouse Model of Schizophrenia FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 13:
Nakayama, Akiko; Albarrán-Juárez, Julián; Liang, Guozheng; Roquid, Kenneth Anthony; Iring, András; Tonack, Sarah; Chen, Min; Müller, Oliver J.; Weinstein, Lee S.; Offermanns, Stefan  (2020) Disturbed flow–induced Gs-mediated signaling protects against endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis JCI INSIGHT 2379-3708 5:
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Király Bálint; Hangya Balázs ✉  (2020) Cartographers of the Cognitive Map: Locus Coeruleus Is Part of the Guild NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 105: pp 951-953
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Welikovitch L.A.; Carmo S.D.; Maglóczky Z.; Malcolm J.C.; Loke J.; Klein W.L.; Freund T.; Claudio Cuello A. ✉  (2020) Early intraneuronal amyloid triggers neuron-derived inflammatory signaling in APP transgenic rats and human brain PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 117: pp 6844-6854
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Barsy Boglárka; Kocsis Kinga*; Magyar Aletta; Babiczky Ákos; Szabó Mónika; Veres Judit M.; Hillier Dániel; Ulbert István; Yizhar Ofer; Mátyás Ferenc  (2020) Associative and plastic thalamic signaling to the lateral amygdala controls fear behavior NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 625-637
Leiszter Katalin ✉; Galamb Orsolya; Kalmár Alexandra; Zsigrai Sára; Valcz Gábor; Szigeti Krisztina Andrea; Barták Barbara Kinga; Nagy Zsófia Brigitta; Dank Magdolna; Liposits Zsolt; Igaz Péter; Tulassay Zsolt; Molnár Béla  (2020) Az ösztrogének lehetséges szerepe a vastagbéldaganatok kialakulásában ORVOSI HETILAP 0030-6002 1788-6120 161: pp 532-543
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Kaszas A.; Vanzetta I.; Szalay G.; Bojdán A.; Rózsa B.; O'Connor R.; Moreau D.; Roe A.W.; Jansen E.D.; Mohanty S.K.  (2020) Exploring the spatial precision of focal infrared neural stimulation in the cortex of GCaMP6f mice : Paper 112270T.
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Ujfalussy B.B. ✉; Makara J.K.  (2020) Impact of functional synapse clusters on neuronal response selectivity NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 11: Paper 1413. 14 p.
Bernal-Chico Ana; Manterola Andrea; Cipriani Raffaela; Katona István; Matute Carlos ✉; Mato Susana ✉  (2020) P2x7 receptors control demyelination and inflammation in the cuprizone model Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 2666-3546 4: Paper 100062. 14 p.
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Cserep C; Posfai B*; Lenart N; Fekete R; Laszlo ZI; Lele Z; Orsolits B; Molnar G; Heindl S; Schwarcz AD; Ujvari K; Kornyei Z; Toth K; Szabadits E; Sperlagh B; Baranyi M; Csiba L; Hortobagyi T; Magloczky Z; Martinecz B; Szabo G; Erdelyi F; Szipocs R; Tamkun MM; Gesierich B; Duering M; Katona I; Liesz A; Tamas G; Denes A ✉  (2020) Microglia monitor and protect neuronal function through specialized somatic purinergic junctions SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 367: pp 528-537
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Varga Zoltán Kristóf ✉; Pejtsik Diána; Biró László; Zsigmond Áron; Varga Máté; Tóth Blanka; Salamon Vilmos; Annus Tamás; Mikics Éva; Aliczki Manó ✉  (2020) Conserved Serotonergic Background of Experience-Dependent Behavioral Responsiveness in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 40: pp 4551-4564
Magó Ádám; Weber Jens P.; Ujfalussy Balázs B.; Makara Judit K. ✉  (2020) Synaptic Plasticity Depends on the Fine-Scale Input Pattern in Thin Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 40: pp 2593-2605
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