All publications

1-30 elements, in total: 52
Ruska Yvette; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett*; Kővári Dóra; Kádár Andrea; Mácsai Lilla; Sinkó Richárd; Hrabovszky Erik; Gereben Balázs; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2022) Expression of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor in neuropeptide Y neurons of the arcuate nucleus in mice BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 227: pp 77-87
Fedor Flóra Zsófia; Madarász Miklós; Zátonyi Anita; Szabó Ágnes; Lőrincz Tibor; Danda Vindhya; Spurgin Lisa; Manz Connie; Rózsa Balázs; Fekete Zoltán  (2022) Soft, Thiol‐ene/Acrylate‐Based Electrode Array for Long‐Term Recording of Intracranial EEG Signals with Improved Biocompatibility in Mice ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES 2365-709X 7: Paper 2100942. 10 p.
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Xu Lu; Füredi Nóra; Lutter Christoph; Geenen Bram; Pétervári Erika; Balaskó Márta; Dénes Ádám; Kovács Krisztina J; Gaszner Balázs** ✉; Kozicz Tamás ✉  (2022) Leptin coordinates efferent sympathetic outflow to the white adipose tissue through the midbrain centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus in male rats. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 205: Paper 108898. 15 p.
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Geiller Tristan; Sadeh Sadra; Rolotti Sebastian V; Blockus Heike; Vancura Bert; Negrean Adrian; Murray Andrew J; Rózsa Balázs; Polleux Franck; Clopath Claudia; Losonczy Attila  (2022) Local circuit amplification of spatial selectivity in the hippocampus. NATURE 0028-0836 1476-4687 601: pp 105-109
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Szabó, Dorottya; Tod, Pál; Gölöncsér, Flóra; Román, Viktor; Lendvai, Balázs; Otrokocsi, Lilla; Sperlágh, Beáta  (2022) Maternal P2X7 receptor inhibition prevents autism-like phenotype in male mouse offspring through the NLRP3-IL-1β pathway. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 1090-2139 101: 318-332
Holderith, Noemi; Aldahabi, Mohammad; Nusser, Zoltan  (2022) Selective Enrichment of Munc13-2 in Presynaptic Active Zones of Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells That Innervate mGluR1α Expressing Interneurons FRONTIERS IN SYNAPTIC NEUROSCIENCE 13:
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Huang, L.; Tang, Y.; Sperlagh, B.  (2022) Glial Purinergic Signaling-Mediated Oxidative Stress (GPOS) in Neuropsychiatric Disorders OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY 1942-0994 2022:
László Acsády; Michael M. Halassa  (2022) Organization of Thalamic Inputs : pp 27-90
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Kővári Dóra; Penksza Veronika; Szilvásy‐Szabó Anett; Sinkó Richárd; Gereben Balázs; Mackie Ken; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2022) Tanycyte specific ablation of diacylglycerol lipase alpha stimulates the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐thyroid axis by decreasing the endocannabinoid mediated inhibition of TRH release JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0953-8194 1365-2826 34: Paper e13079. 9 p.
Iring András; Tóth Adrián; Baranyi Mária; Otrokocsi Lilla; Módis László V.; Gölöncsér Flóra; Varga Bernadett; Hortobágyi Tibor; Bereczki Dániel; Dénes Ádám; Sperlágh Beáta ✉  (2022) The dualistic role of the purinergic P2Y12-receptor in an in vivo model of Parkinson's disease: Signalling pathway and novel therapeutic targets PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1043-6618 1096-1186 176: Paper 106045. 16 p.
Sóki Noémi; Richter Zsófia; Karádi Kázmér; Lőrincz Katalin; Horváth Réka; Gyimesi Csilla; Szekeres-Paraczky Cecília; Horváth Zsolt; Janszky József; Dóczi Tamás; Seress László; Ábrahám Hajnalka  (2022) Investigation of synapses in the cortical white matter in human temporal lobe epilepsy BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 1779: Paper 147787. 12 p.
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Kalló Imre; Omrani Azar; Meye Frank J.; de Jong Han; Liposits Zsolt ✉; Adan Roger A. H. ✉  (2022) Characterization of orexin input to dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area projecting to the medial prefrontal cortex and shell of nucleus accumbens BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 227: pp 1083-1098
Török Bibiána; Csikota Péter; Fodor Anna; Balázsfi Diána; Ferenczi Szilamér; Demeter Kornél; Tóth Zsuzsanna E.; Könczöl Katalin; Perna Judith Camats; Farkas Imre; Kovács Krisztina J.; Haller József; Engelmann Mario; Zelena Dóra ✉  (2022) Rescue of Vasopressin Synthesis in Magnocellular Neurons of the Supraoptic Nucleus Normalises Acute Stress-Induced Adrenocorticotropin Secretion and Unmasks an Effect on Social Behaviour in Male Vasopressin-Deficient Brattleboro Rats INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 23: Paper 1357. 22 p.
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Tóth Krisztina; Lénárt Nikolett; Berki Péter; Fekete Rebeka; Szabadits Eszter; Pósfai Balázs; Cserép Csaba; Alatshan Ahmad; Benkő Szilvia; Kiss Dániel; Hübner Christian A.; Gulyás Attila; Kaila Kai; Környei Zsuzsanna; Dénes Ádám ✉  (2022) The NKCC1 ion transporter modulates microglial phenotype and inflammatory response to brain injury in a cell-autonomous manner PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 20: Paper e3001526. 31 p.
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Ecker András ✉; Bagi Bence; Vértes Eszter; Steinbach-Németh Orsolya; Karlocai Maria Rita; Papp Orsolya I; Miklós István; Hájos Norbert; Freund Tamás; Gulyás Attila I; Káli Szabolcs ✉  (2022) Hippocampal sharp wave-ripples and the associated sequence replay emerge from structured synaptic interactions in a network model of area CA3 ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 11: Paper e71850. 29 p.
Császár Eszter; Lénárt Nikolett*; Cserép Csaba; Környei Zsuzsanna; Fekete Rebeka; Pósfai Balázs; Balázsfi Diána; Hangya Balázs; Schwarcz Anett D; Szabadits Eszter; Szöllősi Dávid; Szigeti Krisztián; Máthé Domokos; West Brian L; Sviatkó Katalin; Brás Ana Rita; Mariani Jean-Charles; Kliewer Andrea; Lenkei Zsolt; Hricisák László; Benyó Zoltán; Baranyi Mária; Sperlágh Beáta; Menyhárt Ákos; Farkas Eszter; Dénes Ádám ✉  (2022) Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 0022-1007 1540-9538 219: Paper e20211071. 33 p.
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Durst Máté; Könczöl Katalin*; Ocskay Klementina; Sípos Klaudia; Várnai Péter; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Fekete Csaba; Tóth Zsuzsanna E. ✉  (2022) Hypothalamic Nesfatin-1 Resistance May Underlie the Development of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Maternally Undernourished Non-obese Rats FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 1662-4548 1662-453X 16: Paper 828571. 12 p.
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Kristóf Zsüliet; Baranyi Mária; Tod Pál; Mut-Arbona Paula; Demeter Kornél; Bitter István**; Sperlágh Beáta ✉  (2022) Elevated serum purine levels in schizophrenia: a reverse translational study to identify novel inflammatory biomarkers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1461-1457 1469-5111 25: pp 645-659
Szekeres-Paraczky Cecília; Szocsics Péter; Erőss Loránd; Fabó Dániel; Mód László; Maglóczky Zsófia ✉  (2022) Reorganization of Parvalbumin Immunopositive Perisomatic Innervation of Principal Cells in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type IIB in Human Epileptic Patients INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 23: Paper 4746. 19 p.
Campbell Rebecca E; Coolen Lique M; Hoffman Gloria E; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2022) Highlights of neuroanatomical discoveries of the mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone system. JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0953-8194 1365-2826 : p. e13115.
Balázs Göcz; Éva Rumpler; Miklós Sárvári; Katalin Skrapits; Szabolcs Takács; Imre Farkas; Veronika Csillag; Sarolta H. Trinh; Zsuzsanna Bardóczi; Yvette Ruska; Norbert Solymosi; Szilárd Póliska; Zsuzsanna Szőke; Robert Millar; Richard Quinton; Anne de Paepe; Rademaker Jesse; Lucia Bartoloni; Yassine Zouaghi; Andrea Messina; Nelly Pitteloud; Stephen M. Manchishi; William H. Colledge; Erik Hrabovszky  (2022) Transcriptome profiling of kisspeptin cells uncovers mechanisms of estrogen feedback PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 :
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George Arlene J.; Dong Bin; Lail Hannah; Gomez Morgan; Hoffiz Yarely C.; Ware Christopher B.; Fang Ning; Murphy Anne Z.; Hrabovszky Erik; Wanders Desiree; Mabb Angela M. ✉  (2022) The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF216/TRIAD3 is a key coordinator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis ISCIENCE 2589-0042 25: Paper 104386.
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Liu Shengnan; Shen Siyi; Yan Ying; Sun Chao; Lu Zhiqiang; Feng Hua; Ma Yiruo; Tang Zhili; Yu Jing; Wu Yuting; Gereben Balázs; Mohácsik Petra; Fekete Csaba; Feng Xiaoyun; Yuan Feixiang; Guo Feifan; Hu Cheng; Shao Mengle; Gao Xin; Zhao Lin; Li Yuying; Jiang Jingjing; Ying Hao ✉  (2022) Triiodothyronine (T3) promotes brown fat hyperplasia via thyroid hormone receptor α mediated adipocyte progenitor cell proliferation NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 13: Paper 3394. 17 p.
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Mut-Arbona Paula; Sperlágh Beáta; Nicke Annette  (2022) Analysis of P2X7-Induced Neuronal Branching : pp 341-353 Paper Chapter 19.
Horváth Á. Cs.; Borbély S.; Mihók F.; Fürjes P.; Barthó P.; Fekete Z. ✉  (2022) Histological and electrophysiological evidence on the safe operation of a sharp-tip multimodal optrode during infrared neuromodulation of the rat cortex SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 2045-2322 12: Paper 11434.
Király Bálint; Hangya Balázs  (2022) Navigating the Statistical Minefield of Mode Selection and Clustering in Neuroscience ENEURO 2373-2822 9: Paper 0066-22.2022.
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Göcz B ✉; Rumpler Éva; Sárvári Miklós; Skrapits Katalin; Takács Szabolcs; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Trinh Sarolta H.; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Ruska Yvette; Solymosi N.; Póliska Szilárd; Szőke Zsuzsanna; Bartoloni Lucia; Zouaghi Yassine; Messina Andrea; Pitteloud Nelly; C Anderson Ross; Millar Robert; Quinton Richard; M. Manchishi Stephen; H. Colledge William; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2022) Transcriptome profiling of kisspeptin neurons from the mouse arcuate nucleus reveals new mechanisms in estrogenic control of fertility PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 119: Paper e2113749119. 12 p.
Gecse Kinga; Édes Andrea; Nagy Tamás; Demeter Adrienn; Virág Dávid; Király Márton; Dalmadi Kiss Borbála; Ludányi Krisztina; Környei Zsuzsanna; Denes Adam; Bagdy Gyorgy**; Juhasz Gabriella ✉  (2022) Citalopram Neuroendocrine Challenge Shows Altered Tryptophan and Kynurenine Metabolism in Migraine CELLS 2073-4409 11: Paper 2258. 21 p.
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Pohóczky Krisztina; Kun József*; Szentes Nikolett*; Aczél Tímea; Urbán Péter; Gyenesei Attila; Bölcskei Kata; Szőke Éva; Sensi Serena; Dénes Ádám; Goebel Andreas; Tékus Valéria** ✉; Helyes Zsuzsanna  (2022) Discovery of novel targets in a complex regional pain syndrome mouse model by transcriptomics: TNF and JAK-STAT pathways PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1043-6618 1096-1186 182: Paper 106347. 15 p.
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