All publications

1-30 elements, in total: 41
Zöldi Miklós; Katona István ✉; Maccarrone M  (2023) STORM Super-Resolution Imaging of CB1 Receptors in Tissue Preparations : pp 437-451
Sinkó Richárd; Mohácsik Petra; Kővári Dóra; Penksza Veronika; Wittmann Gabor; Mácsai Lilla; Fonseca Tatiana L; Bianco Antonio Carlos; Fekete Csaba ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2023) Different hypothalamic mechanisms control decreased circulating thyroid hormone levels in infection and fasting-induced Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome in male Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator Mice THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 33: pp 109-118
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Hádinger Nóra ✉; Bősz Emília; Tóth Boglárka; Vantomme Gil; Lüthi Anita; Acsády László ✉  (2023) Region-selective control of the thalamic reticular nucleus via cortical layer 5 pyramidal cells NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 26: pp 116-130
Vas Szilvia; Papp Rege S; Könczöl Katalin; Bogáthy Emese; Papp Noémi; Ádori Csaba; Durst Máté; Sípos Klaudia; Ocskay Klementina; Farkas Imre; Bálint Flóra; Ferenci Szilamér; Török Bibiána; Kovács Anita; Szabó Evelin; Zelena Dóra; Kovács Krisztina J; Földes Anna; Kató Erzsébet; Köles László; Bagdy György; Palkovits Miklós; Tóth Zsuzsanna E ✉  (2023) Prolactin-releasing peptide contributes to stress-related mood disorders and inhibits sleep/mood regulatory melanin-concentrating hormone neurons in rats. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 43: pp 846-862
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Hegedüs P.; Sviatkó K.; Király B.; Martínez-Bellver S.; Hangya B. ✉  (2023) Cholinergic activity reflects reward expectations and predicts behavioral responses ISCIENCE 2589-0042 26: Paper 105814. 22 p.
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Kozsurek Márk; Király Kornél*; Gyimesi Klára; Lukácsi Erika; Fekete Csaba; Gereben Balázs; Mohácsik Petra; Helyes Zsuzsanna; Bölcskei Kata; Tékus Valéria; Pap Károly; Szűcs Edina; Benyhe Sándor; Imre Tímea; Szabó Pál; Gajtkó Andrea; Holló Krisztina; Puskár Zita ✉  (2023) Unique, Specific CART Receptor-Independent Regulatory Mechanism of CART(55-102) Peptide in Spinal Nociceptive Transmission and Its Relation to Dipeptidyl-Peptidase 4 (DDP4) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 24: Paper 918. 25 p.
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Hangya Balázs ✉; Varga Viktor ✉  (2023) Editorial: The medial septum as a smart clock: New aspects of its function beyond pacemaking. FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 1662-5110 1662-5110 16: Paper 1093711. 3 p.
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Szabó A; Farkas Sz; Török B; Correia P; Kovács T; Kádár A; Hegedűs P; Fekete Cs; Zelena D  (2023) Enhanced food intake and abnormal deiodinase mRNA expression pattern in the triple transgenic Alzheimer’s disease model mice : p. 29; 93.
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Marosi Endre Levente; Arszovszki Antónia; Brunner János; Szabadics János** ✉  (2023) Similar Presynaptic Action Potential-Calcium Influx Coupling in Two Types of Large Mossy Fiber Terminals Innervating CA3 Pyramidal Cells and Hilar Mossy Cells ENEURO 2373-2822 10: p. ENEURO.0017-23.2023.
Mut-Arbona Paula; Huang Lumei; Baranyi Mária; Tod Pál; Iring András; Calzaferri Francesco; de los Ríos Cristobal; Sperlágh Beáta  (2023) Dual Role of the P2X7 Receptor in Dendritic Outgrowth during Physiological and Pathological Brain Development JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 43: pp 1125-1142
Fülöp Barbara; Hunyady Ágnes; Bencze Noémi; Kormos Viktória; Dénes Ádám; Lénárt Nikolett; Borbély Éva ✉; Helyes Zsuzsanna  (2023) IL-1 Mediates Chronic Stress-Induced Hyperalgesia Accompanied by Microglia and Astroglia Morphological Changes in Pain-Related Brain Regions in Mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 24: Paper 5479. 25 p.
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Szocsics Peter; Papp Peter; Havas Laszlo; Loke Janos; Magloczky Zsofia ✉  (2023) Interhemispheric differences of pyramidal cells in the primary motor cortices of schizophrenia patients investigated postmortem CEREBRAL CORTEX 1047-3211 1460-2199 2023: Paper bhad107. 15 p.
Veres J.M.; Andrasi T.*; Nagy-Pal P.; Hajos N. ✉  (2023) CaMKIIα Promoter-Controlled Circuit Manipulations Target Both Pyramidal Cells and Inhibitory Interneurons in Cortical Networks ENEURO 2373-2822 10: Paper ENEURO.0070232023. 11 p.
Schlingloff Dániel; Hangya Balázs ✉; Pinto Lucas ✉  (2023) A cholinergic auditory pathway NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 26: pp 726-728
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Kim Young Joon ✉; Ujfalussy Balázs B.; Lengyel Máté  (2023) Parallel functional architectures within a single dendritic tree CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 2211-1247 42: p. 112386. Paper 112386.
Mut-Arbona P.; Sperlágh B. ✉  (2023) P2 receptor-mediated signaling in the physiological and pathological brain: From development to aging and disease NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 233: Paper 109541. 17 p.
Velasco Inmaculada; Franssen Delphine; Daza-Dueñas Silvia; Skrapits Katalin; Takács Szabolcs; Torres Encarnación; Rodríguez-Vazquez Elvira; Ruiz-Cruz Miguel; León Silvia; Kukoricza Krisztina; Zhang Fu-Ping; Ruohonen Suvi; Luque-Cordoba Diego; Priego-Capote Feliciano; Gaytan Francisco; Ruiz-Pino Francisco; Hrabovszky Erik; Poutanen Matti; Vázquez María J.; Tena-Sempere Manuel ✉  (2023) Dissecting the KNDy hypothesis: KNDy neuron-derived kisspeptins are dispensable for puberty but essential for preserved female fertility and gonadotropin pulsatility. METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 0026-0495 1532-8600 144: Paper 155556.
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Krisztián Zichó; Katalin E. Sos; Péter Papp; Albert M. Barth; Erik Misák; Áron Orosz; Márton I. Mayer; Réka Z. Sebestény; Gábor Nyiri ✉  (2023) Fear memory recall involves hippocampal somatostatin interneurons PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 :
Kristof Zsuliet; Gal Zsofia; Torok Dora; Eszlari Nora; Sutori Sara; Erdelyi-Hamza Berta; Petschner Peter; Sperlagh Beata; Anderson Ian M; Deakin John Francis William; Bagdy Gyorgy; Juhasz Gabriella; Gonda Xenia ✉  (2023) Variation along P2RX7 interacts with early traumas on severity of anxiety suggesting a role for neuroinflammation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 2045-2322 13: Paper 7757. 13 p.
Salas-Lucia Federico; Fekete Csaba*; Sinko Richárd; Egri Péter; Rada Kristóf; Ruska Yvette; Gereben Balázs ✉; Bianco Antonio ✉  (2023) Axonal T3 uptake and transport can trigger thyroid hormone signaling in the brain ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 12: Paper e82683. 18 p.
Petersen Julian ✉; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Erdélyi Ferenc; Máté Zoltán; Szabó Gábor; Fekete Csaba  (2023) A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 14: Paper 3092.
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Dávid Keller; Tamás Láng; Melinda Cservenák; Gina Puska; János Barna; Veronika Csillag; Imre Farkas; Dóra Zelena; Fanni Dóra; Stephanie Küppers; Lara Barteczko; Ted B. Usdin; Miklós Palkovits; Mazahir T. Hasan; Valery Grinevich; Arpád Doboly  (2023) Control of social grooming by a thalamo-preoptic neuronal pathway : Paper 101.
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Biro L. ✉; Miskolczi C.*; Szebik H.; Bruzsik B.; Varga Z.K.; Szente L.; Toth M.; Halasz J.; Mikics E. ✉  (2023) Post-weaning social isolation in male mice leads to abnormal aggression and disrupted network organization in the prefrontal cortex: Contribution of parvalbumin interneurons with or without perineuronal nets NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2352-2895 2352-2895 25: Paper 100546. 21 p.
Petersen Julian; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Erdélyi Ferenc; Máté Zoltán; Szabó Gábor; Fekete Csaba  (2023) Author Correction: A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 14: Paper 3565.
Moysan Louise; Fazekas Fruzsina; Fekete Adam; Köles László; Zelles Tibor**; Berekméri Eszter ✉  (2023) Ca2+ Dynamics of Gap Junction Coupled and Uncoupled Deiters’ Cells in the Organ of Corti in Hearing BALB/c Mice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 24: Paper 11095. 21 p.
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Rumpler Éva ✉; Göcz Balázs ✉; Skrapits Katalin; Sárvári Miklós; Takács Szabolcs; Farkas Imre; Póliska Szilárd; Papp Márton; Solymosi Norbert; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2023) Development of a versatile LCM-Seq method for spatial transcriptomics of fluorescently-tagged cholinergic neuron populations JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X 299: Paper 105121. 13 p.
Horváth K.; Juhász B.; Kuti D.; Ferenczi S.; Kovács K.J. ✉  (2023) Recruitment of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Neurons in Categorically Distinct Stress Reactions in the Mouse Brain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 24: Paper 11736. 20 p.
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Huang Lumei; Mut-Arbona Paula; Varga Bernadett; Török Bibiana; Brunner János; Arszovszki Antonia; Iring András; Kisfali Máté; Vizi E. Sylvester; Sperlágh Beáta ✉  (2023) P2X7 purinergic receptor modulates dentate gyrus excitatory neurotransmission and alleviates schizophrenia-like symptoms in mouse ISCIENCE 2589-0042 26: Paper 107560. 24 p.
Judit M. Veres ✉; Zsuzsanna Fekete*; Kinga Müller; Tibor Andrasi; Laura Rovira-Esteban; Bence Barabas; Orsolya I. Papp; Norbert Hajos ✉  (2023) Fear learning and aversive stimuli differentially change excitatory synaptic transmission in perisomatic inhibitory cells of the basal amygdala. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5102 1662-5102 17: Paper 1120338. 13 p.
Nagy-Pál Petra; Veres Judit M.; Fekete Zsuzsanna; Karlócai Mária R.; Filippo Weisz; Barabás Bence; Reéb Zsófia; Hájos Norbert ✉  (2023) Structural organisation of perisomatic inhibition in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 43: pp 6972-6987
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