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31-60 elements, in total: 64
Hrabovszky E ✉; Molnar CS; Nagy R; Vida B; Borsay BA; Racz K; Herczeg L; Watanabe M; Kallo I; Liposits Z  (2012) Glutamatergic and GABAergic Innervation of Human Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-I Neurons ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 153: pp 2766-2776
Ujfalussy BB; Lengyel M; Anon A  (2012) Active dendrites: Adaptation to spike-based communication : 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2011, NIPS 2011. : Paper 89610.
Cserep C; Szabadits E; Szonyi A; Watanabe M; Freund TF; Nyiri G  (2012) NMDA Receptors in GABAergic Synapses during Postnatal Development PLOS ONE 1932-6203 7: Paper e37753. 13 p.
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Harnett, MT; Makara, JK; Spruston, N; Kath, WL; Magee, JC  (2012) Synaptic amplification by dendritic spines enhances input cooperativity. NATURE 1476-4687 491: 599-602
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Sperlagh, B; Csolle, C; Ando, RD; Goloncser, F; Kittel, A; Baranyi, M  (2012) The role of purinergic signaling in depressive disorders. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGIA HUNGARICA 14: 231-238
Horváth, B; Iring, A; Benyó, B; Hermán, P; Lenzsér, G; Lacza, Zs; Sándor, P; Benyó, Z  (2012) Low frequency pial arterial vasomotion and cerebrocortical blood flow oscillations in rodents 266-266
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Nusser, Z  (2012) Subcellular distribution of neurotransmitter receptors and voltage-gated ion channels 1-10
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Toth M; Tulogdi A; Biro L; Soros P; Mikics E; Haller J  (2012) The neural background of hyper-emotional aggression induced by post-weaning social isolation BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 233: pp 120-129
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Tulogdi A; Soros P; Toth M; Nagy R; Biro L; Aliczki M; Klausz B; Mikics E; Haller J  (2012) Temporal changes in c-Fos activation patterns induced by conditioned fear BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 0361-9230 1873-2747 88: pp 359-370
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Kallo I ✉; Mohacsik P*; Vida B; Zeold A; Bardoczi Z; Zavacki AM; Farkas E; Kadar A; Hrabovszky E; Arrojo e Drigo R; Dong L; Barna L; Palkovits M; Borsay BA; Herczeg L; Lechan RM; Bianco AC; Liposits Z; Fekete C; Gereben B ✉  (2012) A Novel Pathway Regulates Thyroid Hormone Availability in Rat and Human Hypothalamic Neurosecretory Neurons PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 7: Paper e37860. 16 p.
Jo S; Kallo I; Bardoczi Z; Arrejo e Drigo R; Zeold A; Liposits Z; Oliva A; Lemmon VP; Bixby JL; Gereben B; Bianco AC ✉  (2012) Neuronal Hypoxia Induces Hsp40-Mediated Nuclear Import of Type 3 Deiodinase As an Adaptive Mechanism to Reduce Cellular Metabolism JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 32: pp 8491-8500
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Singru PS; Wittmann G; Farkas E; Zseli G; Fekete C ✉; Lechan RM  (2012) Refeeding-Activated Glutamatergic Neurons in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus (PVN) Mediate Effects of Melanocortin Signaling in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 153: pp 3804-3814
Katona I; Freund TF  (2012) Multiple functions of endocannabinoid signaling in the brain ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE 0147-006X 1545-4126 35: pp 529-558
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Holderith N; Lorincz A; Katona G; Rozsa B; Kulik A; Watanabe M; Nusser Z  (2012) Release probability of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals scales with the size of the active zone NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 15: pp 988-997
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Gregg LC; Jung KM; Spradley JM; Nyilas R; Suplita RL; Zimmer A; Watanabe M; Mackie K; Katona I; Piomelli D ✉; Hohmann AG  (2012) Activation of Type 5 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and Diacylglycerol Lipase-α Initiates 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Formation and Endocannabinoid-Mediated Analgesia JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 32: pp 9457-9468
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Fekete C ✉; Zseli G; Singru PS; Kadar A; Wittmann G; Fuzesi T; El-Bermani W; Lechan RM  (2012) Activation of Anorexigenic POMC Neurons During Refeeding is Independent of Vagal and Brainstem Inputs JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0953-8194 1365-2826 24: pp 1423-1431
Hrabovszky E ✉; Sipos MT; Molnar CS; Ciofi P; Borsay BA; Gergely P; Herczeg L; Bloom SR; Ghatei MA; Dhillo WS; Liposits Z  (2012) Low Degree of Overlap Between Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B, and Dynorphin Immunoreactivities in the Infundibular Nucleus of Young Male Human Subjects Challenges the KNDy Neuron Concept. ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 153: pp 4978-4989
Jung KM; Sepers M*; Henstridge CH*; Lassalle O; Neuhofer D; Martin H; Ginger M; Frick A; DiPatrizio NV; Mackie K; Katona I** ✉; Piomelli D** ✉; Manzoni OJ ✉  (2012) Uncoupling of the endocannabinoid signalling complex in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 3: Paper 1080. 11 p.
Molnar CS; Vida B; Sipos MT; Ciofi P; Borsay BA; Racz K; Herczeg L; Bloom SR; Ghatei MA; Dhillo WS; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2012) Morphological Evidence for Enhanced Kisspeptin and Neurokinin B Signaling in the Infundibular Nucleus of the Aging Man ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 153: pp 5428-5439
Kato A; Punnakkal P; Pernia-Andrade AJ; von Schoultz C; Sharopov S; Nyilas R; Katona I; Zeilhofer HU ✉  (2012) Endocannabinoid-Dependent Plasticity at Spinal Nociceptor Synapses. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 590: pp 4717-4733
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Derks NM; Pinter O; Zuure W; Ledent C; Watanabe M; Molnar CS; Wei Y; Roubos EW; Wu S; Hrabovszky E; Zelena D ✉; Kozicz T ✉  (2012) Cannabinoid modulation of midbrain urocortin 1 neurones during acute and chronic stress. JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0953-8194 1365-2826 24: pp 1447-1461
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Alvarez-Crespo M; Skibicka KP; Farkas I; Molnar CS; Egecioglu E; Hrabovszky E; Liposits Z; Dickson SL ✉  (2012) The amygdala as a neurobiological target for ghrelin in rats: neuroanatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral evidence PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 7: p. e46321.
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Peterfi Z; Urban GM*; Papp OI; Nemeth B; Monyer H; Szabo G; Erdelyi F; Mackie K; Freund TF; Hajos N; Katona I ✉  (2012) Endocannabinoid-mediated long-term depression of afferent excitatory synapses in hippocampal pyramidal cells and GABAergic interneurons JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 32: pp 14448-14463
Kali S; Zemankovics R  (2012) The effect of dendritic voltage-gated conductances on the neuronal impedance: a quantitative model JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE 0929-5313 1573-6873 33: pp 257-284
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Sarvari M ✉; Hrabovszky E; Kallo I; Solymosi N; Liko I; Berchtold N; Cotman C; Liposits Z  (2012) Menopause leads to elevated expression of macrophage-associated genes in the aging frontal cortex: rat and human studies identify strikingly similar changes. JOURNAL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION 1742-2094 9: p. 264.
Sarvari A; Farkas E; Kadar A; Zseli G; Fuzesi T; Lechan RM; Fekete C ✉  (2012) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-containing axons innervate histaminergic neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 1488: pp 72-80
Panlilio LV; Justinova Z; Mascia P; Pistis M; Luchicchi A; Lecca S; Barnes C; Redhi GH; Adair J; Heishman SJ; Yasar S; Aliczki M; Haller J; Goldberg SR  (2012) Novel use of a lipid-lowering fibrate medication to prevent nicotine reward and relapse: preclinical findings NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0893-133X 1470-634X 37: pp 1838-1847
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Miklós Gyöngy; James R T Collin; Balázs Rózsa; AIP Editorial  (2012) Phase calibration of ultrasonic receivers using cavitation : pp 295-298
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Kim S; Matyas F; Lee S; Acsady L; Shin HS  (2012) Lateralization of observational fear learning at the cortical but not thalamic level in mice PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 109: pp 15497-15501
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Aliczki M; Balogh Z; Tulogdi A; Haller J  (2012) The temporal dynamics of the effects of monoacylglycerol lipase blockade on locomotion, anxiety, and body temperature. BEHAVIOURAL PHARMACOLOGY 0955-8810 1473-5849 23: pp 348-357
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