All publications
31-57 elements, in total: 57
Gabery Sanaz; Salinas Casper G.; Paulsen Sarah J.; Ahnfelt-Rønne Jonas; Alanentalo Tomas; Baquero Arian F.; Buckley Stephen T.; Farkas Erzsébet; Fekete Csaba; Frederiksen Klaus S.; Helms Hans Christian C.; Jeppesen Jacob F.; John Linu M.; Pyke Charles; Nøhr Jane; Lu Tess T.; Polex-Wolf Joseph; Prevot Vincent; Raun Kirsten; Simonsen Lotte; Sun Gao; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Willenbrock Hanni; Secher Anna; Knudsen Lotte Bjerre
Semaglutide lowers body weight in rodents via distributed neural pathways
JCI INSIGHT 2379-3708 5: Paper e133429.
Sos Katalin E.; Mayer Márton I.; Takács Virág T.; Major Abel; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Beres Barnabas M.; Szeles Tamás; Saito Takashi; Saido Takaomi C.; Mody István; Freund Tamás F.; Nyiri Gábor ✉
Amyloid β induces interneuron-specific changes in the hippocampus of APPNL-F mice
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 15: Paper e0233700. 28 p.
Lakat Tamas; Hosszu Adam; Molnar Agnes; Roland Toth Akos; Saeed Adar; Demeter Kornel; Kelemen Hanga; Mikics Eva; Szabo Attila; Denes Adam; Fekete Andrea
Multi-organ damage following perinatal asphyxia in rat model
NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION 0931-0509 1460-2385 35: Paper P0556. 1 p.
Laszlovszky Tamás; Schlingloff Dániel; Hegedüs Panna; Freund Tamás F.; Gulyás Attila; Kepecs Adam; Hangya Balázs ✉
Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 992-1003
Bake Tina; Le May Marie V.; Edvardsson Christian E.; Vogel Heike; Bergström Ulrika; Albers Marjorie Nicholson; Skibicka Karolina P.; Farkas Imre; Liposits Zsolt; Dickson Suzanne L. ✉
Ghrelin Receptor Stimulation of the Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus in Rats Increases Food Intake but not Food Motivation
OBESITY 1930-7381 1930-739X 28: pp 1503-1511
Ecker Andras ✉; Romani Armando; Saray Sara; Kali Szabolcs; Migliore Michele; Falck Joanne; Lange Sigrun; Mercer Audrey; Thomson Alex M.; Muller Eilif; Reimann Michael W.; Ramaswamy Srikanth ✉
Data-driven integration of hippocampal CA1 synaptic physiology in silico
HIPPOCAMPUS 1050-9631 1098-1063 30: pp 1129-1145
Olah Viktor Janos; Lukacsovich David; Winterer Jochen; Arszovszki Antonia; Lorincz Andrea; Nusser Zoltan; Foldy Csaba; Szabadics Janos ✉
Functional specification of CCK plus interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits
ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 9: Paper e58515. 26 p.
Szell Andras; Martinez-Bellver Sergio; Hegedus Panna; Hangya Balazs ✉
OPETH: Open Source Solution for Real-Time Peri-Event Time Histogram Based on Open Ephys
FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS 1662-5196 14: Paper 21. 19 p.
László Zsófia I.; Lele Zsolt*; Zöldi Miklós; Miczán Vivien; Mógor Fruzsina; Simon Gabriel M.; Mackie Ken; Kacskovics Imre; Cravatt Benjamin F.; Katona István ✉
ABHD4-dependent developmental anoikis safeguards the embryonic brain
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 11: Paper 4363. 16 p.
Tőkési N.; Kozák E.; Fülöp K.; Dedinszki D.; Hegedűs N.; Király B.; Szigeti K.; Ajtay K.; Jakus Z.; Zaworski J.; Letavernier E.; Pomozi V.; Váradi A. ✉
Pyrophosphate therapy prevents trauma-induced calcification in the mouse model of neurogenic heterotopic ossification
JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE 1582-1838 1582-4934 24: pp 11791-11799
Király Bálint; Balázsfi Diána; Horváth Ildikó; Solari Nicola; Sviatkó Katalin; Lengyel Katalin; Birtalan Eszter; Babos Magor; Bagaméry Gergő; Máthé Domokos; Szigeti Krisztián; Hangya Balázs ✉
In vivo localization of chronically implanted electrodes and optic fibers in mice
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 11: Paper 4686. 17 p.
Rovira-Esteban Laura; Hájos Norbert; Nagy Gergő Attila; Crespo Carlos; Nacher Juan; Varea Emilio; Blasco-Ibáñez José Miguel ✉
Semilunar Granule Cells Are the Primary Source of the Perisomatic Excitatory Innervation onto Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons in the Dentate Gyrus
ENEURO 2373-2822 7: Paper 0323-19.2020. 17 p.
Laszlovszky Tamas; Schlingloff Daniel; Hegedus Panna; Freund Tamas F.; Gulyas Attila; Kepecs Adam; Hangya Balazs ✉
Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types (vol 93, pg 513, 2020)
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 1310-1310
Geiller Tristan; Vancura Bert; Terada Satoshi; Troullinou Eirini; Chavlis Spyridon; Tsagkatakis Grigorios; Tsakalides Panagiotis; Ócsai Katalin; Poirazi Panayiota; Rózsa Balázs J.; Losonczy Attila ✉
Large-Scale 3D Two-Photon Imaging of Molecularly Identified CA1 Interneuron Dynamics in Behaving Mice
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 108: pp 968-983
Fedor F.Z. ✉; Paraczky C.; Ravasz L.; Tóth K.; Borhegyi Z.; Somogyvári Z.; Juhász G.; Fekete Z.
Electrophysiological and behavioral properties of 4-aminopyridine-induced epileptic activity in mice
BIOLOGIA FUTURA 2676-8615 2676-8607 71: pp 427-434
Dénes Ádám ✉; Allan Stuart M.; Hortobágyi Tibor; Smith Craig J.
Studies on inflammation and stroke provide clues to pathomechanism of central nervous system involvement in COVID-19
Free Neuropathology 2699-4445 1: Paper 16. 5 p.
Ziarniak Kamil; Kołodziejski Paweł A; Pruszyńska-Oszmałek Ewa; Dudek Monika; Kalló Imre ✉; Sliwowska Joanna H ✉
Effects of Ovariectomy and Sex Hormone Replacement on Numbers of Kisspeptin-, Neurokinin B- and Dynorphin A-immunoreactive Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus in Obese and Diabetic Rats.
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 451: pp 184-196
Lage-Rupprecht Vanessa; Zhou Li; Bianchini Gaia; Aghvami S Sara; Mueller Max; Rózsa Balázs; Sassoè-Pognetto Marco; Egger Veronica
Presynaptic NMDARs cooperate with local spikes toward GABA release from the reciprocal olfactory bulb granule cell spine
ELIFE 2050-084X 9: Paper e63737.
Mohacsi Mate; Torok Mark Patrik; Saray Sara; Kali Szabolcs; IEEE szerk.
A unified framework for the application and evaluation of different methods for neural parameter optimization
: Paper 9206692. 7 p.
Rumpler Éva; Takács Szabolcs; Göcz Balázs; Baska Ferenc; Szenci Ottó; Horváth András; Ciofi Philippe; Hrabovszky Erik ✉; Skrapits Katalin ✉
Kisspeptin Neurons in the Infundibular Nucleus of Ovariectomized Cats and Dogs Exhibit Unique Anatomical and Neurochemical Characteristics
FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 1662-4548 1662-453X 14: Paper 598707. 13 p.
Birtalan Eszter; Bánhidi Anita; Sanders Joshua I; Balázsfi Diána ✉; Hangya Balázs ✉
Efficient training of mice on the 5-choice serial reaction time task in an automated rodent training system.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 10: Paper 22362. 18 p.
Klaudia Sípos; Rege Sugárka Papp; Katalin Könczöl; Dorina Guba; Csaba Fekete; Ferenc Erdélyi; Máté Durst; Zsuzsanna E Tóth
Nesfatin colocalization of other neuropeptide in mouse
: Paper 83.
Paraczky Cecília; Szocsics Péter; Erőss Loránd; Fabó Dániel; Havas László; Maglóczky Zsófia
Examination of the Reorganisation of Parvalbumin Positive Perisomatic Innervation in Different Cortical Areas of Dysgenetic Samples of Human Epileptic Patients
ORVOSKÉPZÉS 0030-6037 95: p. 104.
Hegedüs Panna; Laszlovszky Tamás; Tamás Gertrúd; Halász László; Bokodi Virág; Perczel György; Széll András; Ulbert István; Fabó Dániel; Erőss Loránd; Hangya Balázs
Examining The Role Of The Subthalamic Nucleus In a Stop Signal Reaction Time Task In Patients With Parkinson’s Disease
ORVOSKÉPZÉS 0030-6037 95: p. 56.
Viktor Gaják; Péter Szocsics; Cecília Paracky; Júlia Baross; Laszló Mód; Zsófia Maglóczky
Investigation of structural reorganization in multiple neocortical areas of schizophrenia patients in post mortem samples
Cecília Paraczky; Péter Szocsics; Loránd Erőss; Dániel Fabó; László Havas; Zsófia Maglóczky
Quantification of parvalbumin positive perisomatic input to principal neurons in different areas of dysgenetic cortices from human epileptic patiens
Cecília Paraczky; Péter Szocsics; Loránd Erőss; Dániel Fabó; László Havas; Zsófia Maglóczky
Examination of the Reorganisation of Parvalbumin Positive Perisomatic Innervation in Different Cortical Areas of Dysgenetic Samples of Human Epileptic Patients