All publications

31-49 elements, in total: 49
Hegedüs P.; Heckenast J.; Hangya B. ✉  (2021) Differential recruitment of ventral pallidal e-types by behaviorally salient stimuli during Pavlovian conditioning ISCIENCE 2589-0042 24: Paper 102377. 40 p.
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Zhang Yiyao; Cao Liang*; Varga Viktor; Jing Miao; Karadas Mursel; Li Yulong; György Buzsáki ✉  (2021) Cholinergic suppression of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples impairs working memory PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 118: Paper e2016432118. 8 p.
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Kaszas A.; Szalay G.; Slézia A.; Bojdán A.; Vanzetta I.; Hangya B.; Rózsa B.; O’Connor R.; Moreau D. ✉  (2021) Two-photon GCaMP6f imaging of infrared neural stimulation evoked calcium signals in mouse cortical neurons in vivo SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 11: Paper 9775.
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Vereczki Viktória; Muller Kinga*; Krizsán Éva; Mate Zoltan; Fekete Zsuzsanna; Rovira-Esteban Laura; Veres Judit; Erdélyi Ferenc; Hájos Norbert ✉  (2021) Total number and ratio of GABAergic neuron types in the mouse lateral and basal amygdala JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 4575-4595
Chiovini Balázs; Pálfi Dénes*; Majoros Myrtill; Juhász Gábor; Szalay Gergely; Katona Gergely; Szőri Milán; Frigyesi Orsolya; Lukácsné Haveland Csilla; Szabó Gábor; Erdélyi Ferenc; Máté Zoltán; Szadai Zoltán; Madarász Miklós; Dékány Miklós; Csizmadia Imre G.; Kovács Ervin ✉; Rózsa Balázs ✉; Mucsi Zoltán ✉  (2021) Theoretical Design, Synthesis, and In Vitro Neurobiological Applications of a Highly Efficient Two-Photon Caged GABA Validated on an Epileptic Case ACS OMEGA 2470-1343 6: pp 15029-15045
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Skrapits Katalin ✉; Sárvári Miklós; Farkas Imre; Göcz Balázs; Takács Szabolcs; Rumpler Éva; Váczi Viktória; Vastagh Csaba; Rácz Gergely; Matolcsy András; Solymosi Norbert; Póliska Szilárd; Tóth Blanka; Erdélyi Ferenc; Szabó Gábor; Culler Michael D; Allet Cecile; Cotellessa Ludovica; Prévot Vincent; Giacobini Paolo; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2021) The cryptic gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal system of human basal ganglia. ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 10: Paper e67714. 26 p.
Heindl S.; Ricci A.; Carofiglio O.; Zhou Q.; Arzberger T.; Lenart N.; Franzmeier N.; Hortobagyi T.; Nelson P.T.; Stowe A.M.; Denes A.; Edbauer D.; Liesz A. ✉  (2021) Chronic T cell proliferation in brains after stroke could interfere with the efficacy of immunotherapies JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 0022-1007 1540-9538 218: Paper 20202411. 11 p.
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Wilheim Tamás; Nagy Krisztina; Mohanraj Mahendravarman; Ziarniak Kamil; Watanabe Masahiko; Sliwowska Joanna; Kalló Imre ✉  (2021) Expression of type one cannabinoid receptor in different subpopulation of kisspeptin neurons and kisspeptin afferents to GnRH neurons in female mice BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 226: pp 2387-2399
Tóth R. ✉; Barth AM; Domonkos A.; Varga V.; Somogyvári Z. ✉  (2021) Do not waste your electrodes - Principles of optimal electrode geometry for spike sorting JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 1741-2560 1741-2552 18: Paper 0460A8. 19 p.
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Hájos N. ✉  (2021) Interneuron Types and Their Circuits in the Basolateral Amygdala FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 1662-5110 1662-5110 15: Paper 687257.
Csomos Attila; Kontra Bence; Jancsó Attila; Galbács Gábor; Deme Ruth; Kele Zoltán; Rózsa Balázs József; Kovács Ervin ✉; Mucsi Zoltán ✉  (2021) A comprehensive study of the Ca2+ ion binding of fluorescently labelled BAPTA analogues EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1434-193X 1099-0690 2021: pp 5248-5261
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Tóth Eszter Ágnes; Turiák Lilla; Visnovitz Tamás; Cserép Csaba; Mázló Anett; W. Sódar Barbara; Försönits András I; Petovári Gábor; Sebestyén Anna; Komlósi Zsolt; Drahos László; Kittel Ágnes; Nagy György; Bácsi Attila; Dénes Ádám; Song Gho Yong; Szabó-Taylor Katalin É**; Buzás Edit I ✉  (2021) Formation of a protein corona on the surface of extracellular vesicles in blood plasma JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES 2001-3078 10: Paper e12140. 26 p.
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Wartenberg Philipp; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Colledge William H.; Hrabovszky Erik ✉; Boehm Ulrich ✉  (2021) Sexually dimorphic neurosteroid synthesis regulates neuronal activity in the murine brain JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 9177-9191
Kovács Ervin ✉; Cseri Levente*; Jancsó Attila; Terényi Ferenc; Fülöp Anna; Rózsa Balázs József; Galbács Gábor; Mucsi Zoltán ✉  (2021) Synthesis and Fluorescence Mechanism of the Aminoimidazolone Analogues of the Green Fluorescent Protein: Towards Advanced Dyes with Enhanced Stokes Shift, Quantum Yield and Two-Photon Absorption EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1434-193X 1099-0690 2021: pp 5649-5660
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Prokop Susanne; Ábrányi-Balogh Péter*; Barti Benjámin; Vámosi Márton; Zöldi Miklós; Barna László; Urbán Gabriella M.; Tóth András Dávid; Dudok Barna; Egyed Attila; Deng Hui; Leggio Gian Marco; Hunyady László; van der Stelt Mario; Keserű György M.; Katona István ✉  (2021) PharmacoSTORM nanoscale pharmacology reveals cariprazine binding on Islands of Calleja granule cells NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 12: Paper 6505. 19 p.
Bruzsik Biborka; Biro Laszlo; Sarosdi Klara Rebeka; Zelena Dora; Sipos Eszter; Szebik Huba; Török Bibiána; Mikics Eva**; Toth Mate ✉  (2021) Neurochemically distinct populations of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis modulate innate fear response to weak threat evoked by predator odor stimuli NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2352-2895 2352-2895 15: Paper 100415. 11 p.
Rózsa B; Szalay G; Ócsai K; Nagy D; Plauška A; Pinke D; Csupernyák C; Szepesi Á; Katona G; Boudoux C.; Maitland K.; Hendon C.; Wojtkowski M.; Quinn K.; Schanne-Klein M.; Durr N.; Elson D.; Cichos F.; Oddershede L.; Emiliani V.; Maragò O.; Nic Chormaic S.; Pégard N.; Gibbs S.; Vinogradov S.; Niedre M.; Samkoe K.; Devor A.; Peterka D.; Blinder P.; Buckley E.  (2021) Using 3D optical photostimulation induced artificial perception to investigate neuronal ensembles coding visual information : Paper BM1B.2.
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Hegedüs Panna ✉; Velencei Anna; Belval Claire-Hélène de; Heckenast Julia; Hangya Balázs ✉  (2021) Training protocol for probabilistic Pavlovian conditioning in mice using an open-source head-fixed setup. STAR Protocols 2666-1667 2: Paper 100795. 14 p.
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Jelitai Marta ✉; M Barth Albert*; Komlósi Ferenc; F. Freund Tamás; Varga Viktor ✉  (2021) Activity and Coupling to Hippocampal Oscillations of Median Raphe GABAergic Cells in Awake Mice. FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 1662-5110 1662-5110 15: Paper 784034. 12 p.
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