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1231-1259 elements, in total: 1259
Miettinen R; Gulyás AI; Baimbridge KG; Jacobowitz DM; Freund TF  (1992) Calretinin is present in non-pyramidal cells of the rat hippocampus. II. Co-existence with other calcium binding proteins and GABA NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 48: pp 29-43
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Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES  (1992) Is the neuronal ATP release from guinea-pig vas deferens subject to α₂-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation? NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 51: 203-209
Elenkov, IJ; Kovács, KJ; Duda, E; Stark, E; Vizi, ES  (1992) Presynaptic inhibitory effect of TNF-α on the release of noradrenaline in isolated median eminence JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY 1872-8421 41: 117-120
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Vizi, ES; Sperlágh, B; Baranyi, M  (1992) Evidence that ATP, released from the postsynaptic site by noradrenaline, is involved in mechanical responses of guinea-pig vas deferens: cascade transmission NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 50: 455-465
Nagano, O; Földes, FF; Nakatsuka, H; Reich, D; Ohta, Y; Sperlagh, B; Vizi, ES  (1992) Presynaptic A₁-purinoceptor-mediated inhibitory effects of adenosine and its stable analogues on the mouse hemidiaphragm preparation NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY 1432-1912 346: 197-202
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Elenkov, IJ; Kovács, KJ; Kiss, J; Bertók, L; Vizi, ES  (1992) Lipopolysaccharide is able to bypass corticotrophin-releasing factor in affecting plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels: evidence from rats with lesions of the paraventricular nucleus JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 1479-6805 133: 231-236
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Jäkälä P; Sirviö J; Jolkkonen J; Riekkinen PJr; Acsády L; Riekkinen P  (1992) The effects of p-chlorophenylalanine-induced serotonin synthesis inhibition and muscarinic blockade on the performance of rats in a 5-choice serial reaction time task BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 51: pp 29-40
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Kovács, KJ; Péczely, P  (1991) Plasma adrenocorticotropin in domestic geese: effects of ether stress and endocrine manipulations GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY 1095-6840 84: 192-198
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Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES  (1991) Effect of presynaptic P₂ receptor stimulation on transmitter release JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 1471-4159 56: 1466-1470
Gulyás AI; Seress L; Tóth K; Acsády L; Antal M; Freund TF ✉  (1991) Septal GABAergic neurons innervate inhibitory interneurons in the hippocampus of the macaque monkey NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 41: pp 381-390
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Palkovits, M; Kovacs, K; Makara, GB  (1991) Corticotropin-releasing Hormone-containing Neurons in the Hypothalamohypophyseal System in Rats 6 Weeks After Bilateral Lesions of the Paraventricular Nucleus NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 42: 841-851
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Dohanics, J; Kovacs, KJ; Folly, G; Makara, GB  (1990) Long-term salt loading impairs pituitary responsiveness to ACTH secretagogues and stress in rats PEPTIDES 1873-5169 11: 59-63
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Milusheva, E; Sperlágh, B; Kiss, B; Szporny, L; Pásztor, E; Papasova, M; Vizi, ES  (1990) Inhibitory effect of hypoxic condition on acetylcholine release is partly due to the effect of adenosine released from the tissue BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 1873-2747 24: 369-373
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Dohanics, J; Kovacs, KJ; Makara, GB  (1990) Oxytocinergic neurons in rat hypothalamus. Dexamethasone-reversible increase in their corticotropin-releasing factor-41-like immunoreactivity in response to osmotic stimulation NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1423-0194 51: 515-522
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Kovács, KJ; Makara, GB  (1990) Partial deafferentation of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: Effect on the stress or adrenalectomy-induced ACTH secretion NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY LETTERS 12: 383-389
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Kovács, KJ; Antoni, FA  (1990) Atriopeptin inhibits stimulated secretion of adrenocorticotropin in rats: evidence for a pituitary site of action ENDOCRINOLOGY 1945-7170 127: 3003-3008
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Freund TF; Gulyás AI; Acsády L; Görcs T; Tóth K  (1990) Serotonergic control of the hippocampus via local inhibitory interneurons PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 87: pp 8501-8505
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Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B; Lajtha, A  (1990) Evidence for a presynaptic P2X-purinoceptor involved in facilitation of acetylcholine release ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1749-6632 603: 500-502
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Makara, GB; Kovács, KJ; Dohanics, J  (1989) The effects of hypothalamic lesions on stress-induced ACTH release 45-53
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Kovács, KJ; Westphal, HM; Péczely, P  (1989) Distribution of glucocorticoid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the brain, and its relation to CRF and ACTH immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 505: 239-245
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Kovács, KJ; Makara, GB  (1988) Feedback regulation of ACTH secretion 885-890
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Kovács, KJ; Makara, GB  (1988) Corticosterone and dexamethasone act at different brain sites to inhibit adrenalectomy-induced adrenocorticotropin hypersecretion BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 474: 205-210
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Antoni, FA; Kovács, KJ; Dohanics, J; Makara, GB; Holmes, MC; Mazurek, MF  (1988) Hypophysiotrophic function of vasopressin and oxytocin BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 1873-2747 20: 729-736
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Jezová, D; Kvetnansky, R; Kovács, K; Oprsalová, Z; Vigas, M; Makara, GB  (1987) Insulin-induced hypoglycemia activates the release of adrenocorticotropin predominantly via central and propranolol insensitive mechanisms ENDOCRINOLOGY 1945-7170 120: 409-415
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Kovács, KJ; Mezey, É  (1987) Dexamethasone inhibits corticotropin-releasing factor gene expression in the rat paraventricular nucleus NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1423-0194 46: 365-368
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Mezey, E; Young, WS rd; Siegel, RE; Kovacs, K  (1987) Neuropeptides and neurotransmitters involved in regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor-containing neurons in the rat PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 1875-7855 72: 119-127
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Lutz-Bucher, B; Kovacs, K; Makara, GB; Stark, E; Koch, B  (1986) Central nervous system control of pituitary vasopressin receptors: Evidence for involvement of multiple factors NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1423-0194 43: 618-624
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Kovács, K; Kiss, JZ; Makara, GB  (1986) Glucocorticoid implants around the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus prevent the increase of corticotropin-releasing factor and arginine vasopressin immunostaining induced by adrenalectomy NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1423-0194 44: 229-234
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