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61-64 elements, in total: 64
Vastagh C; Gardoni F ✉; Bagetta V; Stanic J; Zianni E; Giampa C; Picconi B; Calabresi P; Di Luca M  (2012) N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor composition modulates dendritic spine morphology in striatal medium spiny neurons. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X 287: pp 18103-18114
Lin H; Hangya B; Fox SE; Muller RU  (2012) Repetitive convulsant-induced seizures reduce the number but not precision of hippocampal place cells. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 32: pp 4163-4178
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Csercsik D. ✉; Farkas I.; Jobbágy Á  (2012) Calcium coupled bursting in an integrative model of GnRH neuronal electrophysiology : pp 283-286
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Erik Hrabovszky; Csilla Molnár; Máté Sipos; Barbarad Vida; Phillippe Ciofi; Beáta A. Borsay; László Sarkadi; László Herczeg; Stephen R. Bloom; Mohammed A. Ghatel; Waljit S. Dhillo; Imre Kalló; Zsolt Liposits; Henryk Urbanski  (2012) Sexual dimorphism of kisspeptin and neurokinin B immunoreactive neurons in the infundibular nucleus of aged men and women. : p. 23.
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