Recent highlights

1-30 elements, in total: 44
Hádinger Nóra ✉; Bősz Emília; Tóth Boglárka; Vantomme Gil; Lüthi Anita; Acsády László ✉  (2023) Region-selective control of the thalamic reticular nucleus via cortical layer 5 pyramidal cells NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 26: pp 116-130
Mut-Arbona Paula; Huang Lumei; Baranyi Mária; Tod Pál; Iring András; Calzaferri Francesco; de los Ríos Cristobal; Sperlágh Beáta  (2023) Dual Role of the P2X7 Receptor in Dendritic Outgrowth during Physiological and Pathological Brain Development JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 43: pp 1125-1142
Krisztián Zichó; Katalin E. Sos; Péter Papp; Albert M. Barth; Erik Misák; Áron Orosz; Márton I. Mayer; Réka Z. Sebestény; Gábor Nyiri ✉  (2023) Fear memory recall involves hippocampal somatostatin interneurons PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 :
Salas-Lucia Federico; Fekete Csaba*; Sinko Richárd; Egri Péter; Rada Kristóf; Ruska Yvette; Gereben Balázs ✉; Bianco Antonio ✉  (2023) Axonal T3 uptake and transport can trigger thyroid hormone signaling in the brain ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 12: Paper e82683. 18 p.
Rumpler Éva ✉; Göcz Balázs ✉; Skrapits Katalin; Sárvári Miklós; Takács Szabolcs; Farkas Imre; Póliska Szilárd; Papp Márton; Solymosi Norbert; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2023) Development of a versatile LCM-Seq method for spatial transcriptomics of fluorescently-tagged cholinergic neuron populations JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X 299: Paper 105121. 13 p.
Nagy-Pál Petra; Veres Judit M.; Fekete Zsuzsanna; Karlócai Mária R.; Filippo Weisz; Barabás Bence; Reéb Zsófia; Hájos Norbert ✉  (2023) Structural organisation of perisomatic inhibition in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 43: pp 6972-6987
Tóth Krisztina; Lénárt Nikolett; Berki Péter; Fekete Rebeka; Szabadits Eszter; Pósfai Balázs; Cserép Csaba; Alatshan Ahmad; Benkő Szilvia; Kiss Dániel; Hübner Christian A.; Gulyás Attila; Kaila Kai; Környei Zsuzsanna; Dénes Ádám ✉  (2022) The NKCC1 ion transporter modulates microglial phenotype and inflammatory response to brain injury in a cell-autonomous manner PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 20: Paper e3001526. 31 p.
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Ecker András ✉; Bagi Bence; Vértes Eszter; Steinbach-Németh Orsolya; Karlocai Maria Rita; Papp Orsolya I; Miklós István; Hájos Norbert; Freund Tamás; Gulyás Attila I; Káli Szabolcs ✉  (2022) Hippocampal sharp wave-ripples and the associated sequence replay emerge from structured synaptic interactions in a network model of area CA3 ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 11: Paper e71850. 29 p.
Császár Eszter; Lénárt Nikolett*; Cserép Csaba; Környei Zsuzsanna; Fekete Rebeka; Pósfai Balázs; Balázsfi Diána; Hangya Balázs; Schwarcz Anett D; Szabadits Eszter; Szöllősi Dávid; Szigeti Krisztián; Máthé Domokos; West Brian L; Sviatkó Katalin; Brás Ana Rita; Mariani Jean-Charles; Kliewer Andrea; Lenkei Zsolt; Hricisák László; Benyó Zoltán; Baranyi Mária; Sperlágh Beáta; Menyhárt Ákos; Farkas Eszter; Dénes Ádám ✉  (2022) Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 0022-1007 1540-9538 219: Paper e20211071. 33 p.
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Göcz B ✉; Rumpler Éva; Sárvári Miklós; Skrapits Katalin; Takács Szabolcs; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Trinh Sarolta H.; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Ruska Yvette; Solymosi N.; Póliska Szilárd; Szőke Zsuzsanna; Bartoloni Lucia; Zouaghi Yassine; Messina Andrea; Pitteloud Nelly; C Anderson Ross; Millar Robert; Quinton Richard; M. Manchishi Stephen; H. Colledge William; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2022) Transcriptome profiling of kisspeptin neurons from the mouse arcuate nucleus reveals new mechanisms in estrogenic control of fertility PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 119: Paper e2113749119. 12 p.
Babiczky Ákos; Matyas Ferenc ✉  (2022) Molecular characteristics and laminar distribution of prefrontal neurons projecting to the mesolimbic system ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 11:
Ujfalussy Balazs B. ✉; Orban Gergo  (2022) Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 11: Paper e74058. 36 p.
Aldahabi Mohammad; Balint Flora; Holderith Noemi; Lorincz Andrea; Reva Maria; Nusser Zoltan  (2022) Different priming states of synaptic vesicles underlie distinct release probabilities at hippocampal excitatory synapses NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 :
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Gölöncsér, Flóra; Baranyi, Mária; Iring, András; Hricisák, László; Otrokocsi, Lilla; Benyó, Zoltán; Sperlágh, Beáta  (2021) Involvement of P2Y 12 receptors in an NTG‐induced model of migraine in male mice BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1476-5381 178: 4626-4645
Karlocai, Maria Rita; Heredi, Judit; Benedek, Tünde; Holderith, Noemi; Lorincz, Andrea; Nusser, Zoltan  (2021) Variability in the Munc13-1 content of excitatory release sites ELIFE 10:
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Magó, Ádám; Kis, Noémi; Lükő, Balázs; Makara, Judit K  (2021) Distinct dendritic Ca2+ spike forms produce opposing input-output transformations in rat CA3 pyramidal cells ELIFE 10:
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Bruzsik Biborka; Biro Laszlo; Zelena Dora; Sipos Eszter; Szebik Huba; Sarosdi Klara Rebeka; Horvath Orsolya; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Finszter Cintia Klaudia; Mikics Eva**; Toth Mate ✉  (2021) Somatostatin neurons of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis enhance associative fear memory consolidation in mice JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 1982-1995
Vereczki Viktória; Muller Kinga*; Krizsán Éva; Mate Zoltan; Fekete Zsuzsanna; Rovira-Esteban Laura; Veres Judit; Erdélyi Ferenc; Hájos Norbert ✉  (2021) Total number and ratio of GABAergic neuron types in the mouse lateral and basal amygdala JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 4575-4595
Skrapits Katalin ✉; Sárvári Miklós; Farkas Imre; Göcz Balázs; Takács Szabolcs; Rumpler Éva; Váczi Viktória; Vastagh Csaba; Rácz Gergely; Matolcsy András; Solymosi Norbert; Póliska Szilárd; Tóth Blanka; Erdélyi Ferenc; Szabó Gábor; Culler Michael D; Allet Cecile; Cotellessa Ludovica; Prévot Vincent; Giacobini Paolo; Hrabovszky Erik ✉  (2021) The cryptic gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal system of human basal ganglia. ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 10: Paper e67714. 26 p.
Wartenberg Philipp; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Colledge William H.; Hrabovszky Erik ✉; Boehm Ulrich ✉  (2021) Sexually dimorphic neurosteroid synthesis regulates neuronal activity in the murine brain JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 9177-9191
Prokop Susanne; Ábrányi-Balogh Péter*; Barti Benjámin; Vámosi Márton; Zöldi Miklós; Barna László; Urbán Gabriella M.; Tóth András Dávid; Dudok Barna; Egyed Attila; Deng Hui; Leggio Gian Marco; Hunyady László; van der Stelt Mario; Keserű György M.; Katona István ✉  (2021) PharmacoSTORM nanoscale pharmacology reveals cariprazine binding on Islands of Calleja granule cells NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 12: Paper 6505. 19 p.
Ujfalussy B.B. ✉; Makara J.K.  (2020) Impact of functional synapse clusters on neuronal response selectivity NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 11: Paper 1413. 14 p.
Cserep C; Posfai B*; Lenart N; Fekete R; Laszlo ZI; Lele Z; Orsolits B; Molnar G; Heindl S; Schwarcz AD; Ujvari K; Kornyei Z; Toth K; Szabadits E; Sperlagh B; Baranyi M; Csiba L; Hortobagyi T; Magloczky Z; Martinecz B; Szabo G; Erdelyi F; Szipocs R; Tamkun MM; Gesierich B; Duering M; Katona I; Liesz A; Tamas G; Denes A ✉  (2020) Microglia monitor and protect neuronal function through specialized somatic purinergic junctions SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 367: pp 528-537
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Varga Zoltán Kristóf ✉; Pejtsik Diána; Biró László; Zsigmond Áron; Varga Máté; Tóth Blanka; Salamon Vilmos; Annus Tamás; Mikics Éva; Aliczki Manó ✉  (2020) Conserved Serotonergic Background of Experience-Dependent Behavioral Responsiveness in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 40: pp 4551-4564
Magó Ádám; Weber Jens P.; Ujfalussy Balázs B.; Makara Judit K. ✉  (2020) Synaptic Plasticity Depends on the Fine-Scale Input Pattern in Thin Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 40: pp 2593-2605
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Olah Viktor Janos; Lukacsovich David; Winterer Jochen; Arszovszki Antonia; Lorincz Andrea; Nusser Zoltan; Foldy Csaba; Szabadics Janos ✉  (2020) Functional specification of CCK plus interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 9: Paper e58515. 26 p.
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László Zsófia I.; Lele Zsolt*; Zöldi Miklós; Miczán Vivien; Mógor Fruzsina; Simon Gabriel M.; Mackie Ken; Kacskovics Imre; Cravatt Benjamin F.; Katona István ✉  (2020) ABHD4-dependent developmental anoikis safeguards the embryonic brain NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 11: Paper 4363. 16 p.
Király Bálint; Balázsfi Diána; Horváth Ildikó; Solari Nicola; Sviatkó Katalin; Lengyel Katalin; Birtalan Eszter; Babos Magor; Bagaméry Gergő; Máthé Domokos; Szigeti Krisztián; Hangya Balázs ✉  (2020) In vivo localization of chronically implanted electrodes and optic fibers in mice NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 11: Paper 4686. 17 p.
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Laszlovszky Tamas; Schlingloff Daniel; Hegedus Panna; Freund Tamas F.; Gulyas Attila; Kepecs Adam; Hangya Balazs ✉  (2020) Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types (vol 93, pg 513, 2020) NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 1310-1310
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Horváth, Gergely; Otrokocsi, Lilla; Bekő, Katinka; Baranyi, Mária; Kittel, Ágnes; Antonio Fritz-Ruenes, Pablo; Sperlágh, Beáta  (2019) P2X7 receptors drive poly(I:C) induced autism-like behavior in mice. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 39: 2542-2561
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