Winners and runners-up of the SE TDK conference
The first TDK conference of the year, in which our young researchers could present their knowledge and results, was held from 6-8 February 2025 at the SE Theoretical Block in Nagyvárad Square.
A competition, a "noble contest", an honest fight, in whatever field, is ultimately intended to help you to stand your ground in the struggle for life's very different prizes. To do this, each participant must first of all get to know himself/herself better, confronting the relized strengths and weaknesses, strengths and also weaknesses. Only then is it worth thinking about how to defeat others.
Scientific competitions also achieve their goal when the contestant, whether or not he wins, manages to get to know himself better and to prepare for the next competition on the basis of his experience.
Of our three first prize winners at the SE TDK conference, two of our three first prize winners have won OTDK nominations, one has been proposed for OTDK conference participation, we have two second place winners and three third place students.
Congratulations to the winners, runners-up and their tutors, and we wish them continued success!
I. Katalin Zsófia Tóth, ELTE, MSc, V. OTDK candidate
Supervisors: Dr Zsófia Maglóczky, Dr Péter Szocsics
II. Tamás Zsoldos SE, MSc, II.
Supervisors: Dr. Gábor Nyiri, Áron Orosz PhD student
III. Mira Szőke, SE, ÁOK, IV.
Supervisor: Dr. László Acsády
Marianna Matányi, SE, ÁOK, VI., Erik Misák, ELTE, MSc, V.,
Supervisor:Dr. Gábor Nyiri , Dr. Albert Barth
III. Annamária Benke , ELTE, MSc, I.
Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Balázs Hangya, Dr. Bálint Király
I. Buzás-Kaizler András, SE, ÁOK, III. candidate OTDK
Supervisor: Dr. Éva Mikics, Dr. Hanga Kelemen
Katalin Kispál Réka, ELTE, MSc, 1st OTDK proposed
Supervisor: Dr. Balázs Hangya, Dr. Szabó Írisz
II. Sára Vida, SE, MSc, III.