Research collaborations
...about our contributions to the projects of other research groups
We helped Csaba Földy's effort on the role of Id2 transcriptional regulator protein in ectopic axon grow by replicating their main findings in rats: link to the paper
Our group members contributed to a project of Beata Sperlagh's group (KOKI) about the interaction of P2X receptors and Zn2+: link to the paper
We helped Xavier Leinekugel's group (Bordeaux) to identify the cellular source of strong inhibition recruited during spontaneous aactivities in the hippocampus: link to the paper
In further collaborations our projects were helped by other groups, including Sebastian Jessberger (Zürich), Urs Gerber (Zürich), Zoltán Nusser (KOKI), Francesco Ferraguti (Innsbruck).