In vivo network imaging
Fast two-photon in vivo imaging with three-dimensional random-access scanning in large tissue volumes
The activity of neuronal populations has long been studied in the visual cortex, but fast 3D volumetric random- access scanning of hundreds of in hundreds of cells in the visual cortex in vivo has been made possible by using a high- resolution, acousto- optic two- photon microscope. We conduct in vivo two- photon imaging of cell assemblies in the V1 area in behaving mice by using multicell bolus loading of a calcium indicator dye. Neuronal network responses are recorded during different types of visual stimulation (moving bar, moving grating or visual discrimination protocol). In addition, active cells are selected based on the previously recorded somatic activity and their dendritic responses are followed along with the network activity in 3D by using whole- cell platch clamp techniques.
Katona et al. 2012 Nature Methods