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Skrapits K; Borsay BA; Herczeg L; Ciofi P; Bloom SR; Ghatei MA; Dhillo WS; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2014) Colocalization of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript with kisspeptin and neurokinin B in the human infundibular region. PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 9: Paper e103977.
Aliczki M ✉; Fodor A; Balogh Z; Haller J; Zelena D  (2014) The effects of lactation on impulsive behavior in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 0018-506X 1095-6867 66: pp 545-551
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Schlingloff D; Kali S; Freund TF; Hajos N; Gulyas AI  (2014) Mechanisms of sharp wave initiation and ripple generation. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 11385-11398
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Friedrich P; Vella M; Gulyas AI; Freund TF; Kali S  (2014) A flexible, interactive software tool for fitting the parameters of neuronal models. FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS 1662-5196 8: Paper 63. 20 p.
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Szabo GG; Papp OI; Mate Z; Szabo G; Hajos N  (2014) Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics. HIPPOCAMPUS 1050-9631 1098-1063 24: pp 1506-1523
Rovo Z; Matyas F*; Bartho P; Slezia A; Lecci S; Pellegrini C; Astori S; David C; Hangya B; Luthi A; Acsady L ✉  (2014) Phasic, nonsynaptic GABA-A receptor-mediated inhibition entrains thalamocortical oscillations. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 7137-7147
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Kerekes Bálint Péter; Tóth Kinga; Kaszás Attila; Chiovini Balázs; Szadai Zoltán; Szalay Gergely; Pálfi Dénes; Bagó Attila; Spitzer Klaudia; Rózsa Balázs; Ulbert István ✉; Wittner Lucia  (2014) Combined two-photon imaging, electrophysiological, and anatomical investigation of the human neocortex in vitro NEUROPHOTONICS 2329-423X 2329-4248 1: Paper 011013. 10 p.
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Barthó P; Slézia A; Mátyás F; Faradzs-Zade L; Ulbert I; Harris KD; Acsády L  (2014) Ongoing network state controls the length of sleep spindles via inhibitory activity NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 82: pp 1367-1379
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Matyas F; Lee J; Shin HS; Acsady L  (2014) The fear circuit of the mouse forebrain: connections between the mediodorsal thalamus, frontal cortices and basolateral amygdala. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 39: pp 1810-1823
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Acsady L  (2014) A search for the searchlight - crossmodal interactions in the reticular thalamic nucleus (Commentary on Kimura). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 39: pp 1403-1404
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Borsay BA; Skrapits K; Herczeg L; Ciofi P; Bloom SR; Ghatei MA; Dhillo WS; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2014) Hypophysiotropic Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Projections are Exposed to Dense Plexuses of Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B and Substance P Immunoreactive Fibers in the Human: A Study on Tissues from Postmenopausal Women. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0028-3835 1423-0194 100: pp 141-152
Vandecasteele M; Varga V; Berenyi A; Papp E; Bartho P; Buzsaki G ✉; Venance L; Freund TF  (2014) Optogenetic activation of septal cholinergic neurons suppresses sharp wave ripples and enhances theta oscillations in the hippocampus. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 111: pp 13535-13540
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Richard JE; Farkas I; Anesten F; Anderberg RH; Dickson SL; Gribble FM; Reimann F; Jansson JO; Liposits Z; Skibicka KP ✉  (2014) GLP-1 receptor stimulation of the lateral parabrachial nucleus reduces food intake: neuroanatomical, electrophysiological, and behavioral evidence. ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 155: pp 4356-4367
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Hrabovszky E ✉  (2014) Neuroanatomy of the human hypothalamic kisspeptin system. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0028-3835 1423-0194 99: pp 33-48
Veres JM; Nagy GA; Vereczki VK; Andrasi T; Hajos N ✉  (2014) Strategically Positioned Inhibitory Synapses of Axo-axonic Cells Potently Control Principal Neuron Spiking in the Basolateral Amygdala. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 16194-16206
Poucet B; Sargolini F; Song EY; Hangya B; Fox S; Muller RU  (2014) Independence of landmark and self-motion-guided navigation: a different role for grid cells. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B - BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 0962-8436 1471-2970 369: Paper 20130370.
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Hangya B; Pi HJ; Kvitsiani D; Ranade SP; Kepecs A  (2014) From circuit motifs to computations: mapping the behavioral repertoire of cortical interneurons. CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 0959-4388 1873-6882 26: pp 117-124
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Chiovini B; Turi GF; Katona G; Kaszás A; Pálfi D; Maák P; Szalay G; Szabó MF; Szabó G; Szadai Z; Káli S; Rózsa B  (2014) Dendritic Spikes Induce Ripples in Parvalbumin Interneurons during Hippocampal Sharp Waves. [Neuron 82, 21, 2014, 908-924] NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 83: pp 749-749
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