6. Magyar Idegtudományi Doktorandusz Konferencia
Dear young students and scientists,
We are excited about welcoming you to the sixth Hungarian Neuroscience Doctoral Conference, which will be held on the 31st of January at ELKH TTK Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest.
Following previous years, this satellite event will be preceded by the 2023 MITT and ANA joint meeting.
HuNDoC provides a friendly and relaxed environment where undergraduates, PhD students and junior post-docs can meet each other, share and discuss new findings and ongoing research projects, and participate in workshops that aim to broaden their skillset and help refine career goals.
We encourage all fellow young colleagues to join and present their results, get to know their peers, and attend our workshops. Please note that participation is free of charge, but registration is required, separate from the MITT-ANA joint meeting.
You can choose to give a short oral presentation or elevator speech or prepare an A4/A3-sized mini-poster to present your work.
We encourage everyone to apply.
We are sharing with you detailed information about the event in the attached poster and the following web page: https://hundoc2023.mitt.hu/.
The submission deadline is Friday, 23 December.
For more information, feel free to contact any of us via email or in person.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,
Emília Bősz
Christina Miskolczi
Paula Mut Arbona
Institute of Experimental Medicine and Janos Szentagothai Doctoral School of Neurosciences