Összes publikáció

31-51 elem, összesen: 51
Vastagh Csaba; Solymosi Norbert; Farkas Imre; Liposits Zsolt ✉  (2019) Proestrus Differentially Regulates Expression of Ion Channel and Calcium Homeostasis Genes in GnRH Neurons of Mice FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5099 1662-5099 12: Paper 137. 14 p.
Szonyi Andras; Sos Katalin E.; Nyilas Rita; Schlingloff Daniel; Domonkos Andor; Takacs Virag T.; Posfai Balazs; Hegedus Panna; Priestley James B.; Gundlach Andrew L.; Gulyas Attila I.; Varga Viktor; Losonczy Attila; Freund Tamas F.; Nyiri Gabor ✉  (2019) Brainstem nucleus incertus controls contextual memory formation SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 364: Paper eaaw0445. 13 p.
Zürn M.; Tóth G.; Kraszni M.; Sólyomváry A.; Mucsi Z.; Deme R.; Rózsa B.; Fodor B.; Molnár-Perl I.; Horváti K.; Bősze S.; Pályi B.; Kis Z.; Béni S.; Noszál B.; Boldizsár I. ✉  (2019) Galls of European Fraxinus trees as new and abundant sources of valuable phenylethanoid and coumarin glycosides INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 0926-6690 139: Paper 111517. 9 p.
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Csernai Márton; Borbély Sándor*; Kocsis Kinga*; Burka Dávid; Fekete Zoltán; Balogh Veronika; Káli Szabolcs; Emri Zsuzsa; Barthó Péter  (2019) Dynamics of sleep oscillations is coupled to brain temperature on multiple scales. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 597: pp 4069-4086
Orbán Gábor; Meszéna Domokos; Tasnády Kinga Réka; Rózsa Balázs; Ulbert István; Márton Gergely  (2019) Method for spike detection from microelectrode array recordings contaminated by artifacts of simultaneous two-photon imaging PLOS ONE 1932-6203 14: p. e0221510. 16 p.
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Al-Massadi Omar; Quiñones Mar; Clasadonte Jerome; Bautista René H; Romero-Picó Amparo; Folgueira Cintia; Morgan Donald A; Kalló Imre; Heras Violeta; Senra Ana; Funderburk Samuel C; Krashes Michael J; Souto Yara; Fidalgo Miguel; Luquet Serge; Chee Melissa J; Imbernon Monica; Beiroa Daniel; García-Caballero Lucía; Gallego Rosalia; Lam Brian Y H; Yeo Giles; Lopez Miguel; Liposits Zsolt; Rahmouni Kamal; Prevot Vincent; Dieguez Carlos; Nogueiras Ruben  (2019) MCH Regulates SIRT1/FoxO1 and Reduces POMC Neuronal Activity to Induce Hyperphagia, Adiposity and Glucose Intolerance. DIABETES 0012-1797 1939-327X 68: pp 2210-2222
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Csillag Veronika; Vastagh Csaba; Liposits Zsolt; Farkas Imre ✉  (2019) Secretin Regulates Excitatory GABAergic Neurotransmission to GnRH Neurons via Retrograde NO Signaling Pathway in Mice. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5102 1662-5102 13: Paper 371. 14 p.
Folgueira Cintia; Kallo Imre; Liposits Zsolt  (2019) Hypothalamic dopamine signaling regulates brown fat thermogenesis. NATURE METABOLISM 2522-5812 1: pp 811-829
Otsu Y; Darcq E; Pietrajtis K; Matyas F; Schwartz E; Bessaih T; Abi Gerges S; Rousseau C V; Grand T; Dieudonne S; Paoletti P; Acsady L; Agulhon C; Kieffer B L; Diana M A  (2019) Control of aversion by glycine-gated GluN1/GluN3A NMDA receptors in the adult medial habenula. SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 366: pp 250-254
Fazekas Csilla Lea; Balázsfi Diána*; Horváth Hanga Réka; Balogh Zoltán; Aliczki Manó; Puhova Agnesa; Balagova Lucia; Chmelova Magdalena; Jezova Daniela; Haller József; Zelena Dóra  (2019) Consequences of VGluT3 deficiency on learning and memory in mice PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 0031-9384 212: Paper 112688. 11 p.
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Frau Roberto; Miczán Vivien*; Traccis Francesco; Aroni Sonia; Pongor Csaba I.; Saba Pierluigi; Serra Valeria; Sagheddu Claudia; Fanni Silvia; Congiu Mauro; Devoto Paola; Cheer Joseph F.; Katona István**; Melis Miriam  (2019) Prenatal THC exposure produces a hyperdopaminergic phenotype rescued by pregnenolone NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 22: pp 1975-1985
Szőnyi András; Zichó Krisztián*; Barth Albert M.; Gönczi Roland T.; Schlingloff Dániel; Török Bibiána; Sipos Eszter; Major Abel; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Sos Katalin E.; Gulyás Attila I.; Varga Viktor; Zelena Dóra; Freund Tamás F.; Nyiri Gabor ✉  (2019) Median raphe controls acquisition of negative experience in the mouse SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 366: Paper eaay8746. 12 p.
Hegedüs Panna; Martínez-Bellver Sergio; Hangya Balázs ✉  (2019) Guardians of the learning gate NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 22: pp 1747-1748
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Rovira-Esteban Laura; Gunduz-Cinar Ozge*; Bukalo Olena*; Limoges Aaron; Brockway Emma; Müller Kinga; Fenno Lief; Kim Yoon Seok; Ramakrishnan Charu; Andrási Tibor; Deisseroth Karl; Holmes Andrew**; Hájos Norbert ✉  (2019) Excitation of Diverse Classes of Cholecystokinin Interneurons in the Basal Amygdala Facilitates Fear Extinction ENEURO 2373-2822 6: Paper 0220-19.2019. 15 p.
Marosi Mate; Szalay Gergely; Katona Gergely; Rózsa Balázs; Hartveit Espen  (2019) High-Speed, Random-Access Multiphoton Microscopy for Monitoring Synaptic and Neuronal Activity in 3D in Behaving Animals : pp 335-362 Paper Chapter 14.
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Varga Edina; Farkas Erzsébet; Zséli Györgyi; Kádár Andrea; Venczel Alexandra; Kővári Dóra; Németh Dorottya; Máté Zoltán; Erdélyi Ferenc; Horváth András; Szenci Ottó; Watanabe Masahiko; Lechan Ronald M; Gereben Balázs; Fekete Csaba  (2019) Thyrotropin-Releasing-Hormone-Synthesizing Neurons of the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Are Inhibited by Glycinergic Inputs THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 29: pp 1858-1868
Noémi Kmetykó; Tímea Körmöczi; Írisz Szabó; Eszter Farkas; Tamás Janáky; István Ilisz; Róbert Berkecz ✉; Alapi Tünde; Ilisz István  (2019) Determination of dimethyltryptamine in rat plasma using 2D-LC-MS/MS method : pp 337-337
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Berkecz R.; Körmöczi T.; Szabó Í.; Farkas E.; Frecska E.; Janáky T.; Hungarian Society for Separation Science  (2019) Development and Application of Heart-cutting 2D-LC-MS/MS Method for Analysis of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in Brain Samples :
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Szalay G. ✉; Szadai Z.; Judák L.; Maák P.; Ócsai K.; Veress M.; Tompa T.; Chiovini B.; Katona G.; Rózsa B.; Optica Publishing szerk.  (2019) Fast 3D imaging and photostimulation by 3D acousto-optical microscopy revealed spatiotemporally orchestrated clusters in the visual cortex : Paper BM3A.1..
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Fekete C; Vastagh C; Denes A; Hrabovszky E; Nyiri G; Kallo I; Liposits Z; Sarvari M ✉  (2019) Chronic Amyloid beta Oligomer Infusion Evokes Sustained Inflammation and Microglial Changes in the Rat Hippocampus via NLRP3. NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 405: pp 35-46
Pósfai B; Cserép C*; Orsolits B; Dénes Á ✉  (2019) New Insights into Microglia–Neuron Interactions: A Neuron's Perspective NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 405: pp 103-117
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